This is a read-only archive of the old Scratch 1.x Forums.
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Topic Replies Views Last post
Editable import database by Hardmath123
3 232 2011-05-18 09:31:34 by Hardmath123
15 708 2011-05-17 22:27:41 by LordSydney
6 335 2011-05-17 20:16:24 by ihaveamac
5 1249 2011-05-17 19:11:34 by scratchisthebest
Request to the Scratch Team by scratcher7_13
7 506 2011-05-17 13:01:17 by scimonster
Flash Type of scratch by Matty3414
2 192 2011-05-17 03:39:09 by Matty3414
13 688 2011-05-16 16:53:31 by Liduen
8 544 2011-05-16 15:08:18 by CloneCommando1
Leveling Up by iCanDoAnything
5 319 2011-05-16 13:46:50 by Magnie
Important! by woofwoof301
3 260 2011-05-15 21:40:03 by woofwoof301
Scratch for Chrome OS by Astro947
2 608 2011-05-14 23:04:12 by ScratchDude101
broadcast to sprite by estorken
2 270 2011-05-13 18:45:44 by estorken
Online and offline by Potatogun234
6 462 2011-05-13 03:00:29 by ssss
2 305 2011-05-12 17:36:03 by estorken
PITCH sound block by sickflick
4 402 2011-05-12 14:30:33 by scimonster
Sprite Folders by Matty3414
6 414 2011-05-12 13:32:31 by rdococ
52 4409 2011-05-12 13:29:51 by rdococ
Suggestions by LordSydney
1 165 2011-05-12 05:51:22 by ssss
4 847 2011-05-11 20:45:14 by cmy2
Internal Links by scimonster
1 231 2011-05-11 20:42:38 by CloneCommando1
This topic is closed
personal messages by leebee
4 252 2011-05-11 18:31:50 by cheddargirl
2 155 2011-05-11 13:51:41 by CloneCommando1
Make a Japanese forum by scimonster
8 515 2011-05-11 00:51:31 by hdarken
HD scratch by tomo2
1 183 2011-05-09 19:03:10 by Harakou
Moved: record voices by weidberg
17 1678 2011-05-09 09:04:27 by scimonster
2 183 2011-05-09 00:14:00 by bbbeb
BYOB 3.0 is Scratch 2.0? by aarextiaokhiao
2 286 2011-05-08 14:50:29 by aarextiaokhiao
This topic is closed
Hide/Show List by Matty3414
3 319 2011-05-07 01:12:46 by Matty3414
New Block! by Matty3414
5 316 2011-05-06 23:27:32 by Harakou

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