okay, so this block is sort of like broadcast, but only to one sprite. i wanted something that triggers one particular script, and this was the best system i could think of. it would work like this:
the receiving sprite is the only one who can receive it.
you can use a global, and precise broadcast with the same message.
no other sprite will see the message in the dropdown menu, not even with broadcast.
this would be useful to avoid overflowing the broadcast list, which always makes me tentative about using broadcast, even though they are completely awesome
the block would look like
broadcast(message) to (sprite or background)
vote http://suggest.scratch.mit.edu/forums/60449-suggestions/suggestions/1623323-broadcast-to-sprite here, idk how to use fancy link-things, i'm new to the forums.
please vote
Last edited by estorken (2011-05-12 17:51:48)
This can be done already.
Read How.
Last edited by scimonster (2011-05-13 01:20:03)