I support!
If they really want to save space, add procedures, and collapsible scripts and Cs.
I like this suggestion, so I support.
Will especially help with project that have hoard-loads of scripts. It takes forever to find the specific script you want, so I think this can help.
Will vote.
i support!
I REALLY need this.
Add me to the list!!!!!!!!!!
Possibly the way to do it is NAME the script.
This is an awesome idea!
I support it, I voted for it too.
This could seriously speed up Scratch Projects.
scimonster wrote:
Possibly the way to do it is NAME the script.
Aha, but that is when people would start using the comment bubble!
See how this is going? This should seriously be added to 2.0
I think in addition a good feature would be to have a
collapse { };
block, with a comment automatically added to it. it would allow greater structuring. Additionally, the ' Do at the same time { } { } ' block from Alice possibly? but I don't think it would be that important. you can do something similar in BYOB3 where you call a method, but don't wait for it to complete before going on to the next step.
It would be good to have a button on the 'Edit' bar saying 'Show/hide all collapsed scripts'. Might help for new Scratchers (I'm not new ).
[blocks]maybe the ability to label colapssed blocks so you remember what they are for. Another idea: Locking collapsed blocks, so you can only un-collapse them if you knew the password. That way, you could hide a secret code in a game without having to worry about people downloading the project to get the code.[/blocks]
<when green flag clicked>
(password required to veiw this script)
thats a bit like in 'zing' (scratch modification) right?
I support!!!
<when green flag clicked> v
jackrulez wrote:
Sunrise-Moon wrote:
I support.
Jens wrote:
Hi, modders
two years ago I experimented with collapsable scripts. Please feel free to canibalize my collapsable scripts changeset and my readme.How do you install it into Scratch?
Shift-click the loop of the R in the Scratch logo, select turn fillscreen off, then click the grey space, click open, click Workspace, and then paste all the code into the Workspace. Then, you right-click and select do it. Now save and close Scratch, reopen, and you're done.
cete wrote:
what if you make it so you can collapse parts of a script like if you make a script which had something like 50 or 100 blocks in it you could collapse the part in the repeat or the first 3 blocks and so on
That's part of this suggestion; you can collapse C blocks.
So now that this suggestion has been on here for a while, I thought of another little problem that would have to be addressed. Let's say you have a script that you collapse, and then you organize your scripts so that they're orderly. When you expand the script, what happens? Does it cover up the scripts underneath, or do they move down out of the way? Just a thought.
Harakou wrote:
So now that this suggestion has been on here for a while, I thought of another little problem that would have to be addressed. Let's say you have a script that you collapse, and then you organize your scripts so that they're orderly. When you expand the script, what happens? Does it cover up the scripts underneath, or do they move down out of the way? Just a thought.
Well I would think it would just overlap, but you could easily just right click and then clean up.