I need some ideas on how to get on the front page!!!
I can help you. I've been on the front page once, and that's my gallery, A Better Place. I got it featured because it was a good idea, I guess. So, make projects and galleries that are unique, special, and one-of-a-kind. Getting top remixed: That's never happened to me before, but from what I've noticed it's stuff that tells about people. For example, memes and yearbooks and that sort of thing get top remixed a lot. Also, projects about good causes like Sign the Petition!! would get on the front page as would voting projects. Featured projects are a mix of types, but most are projects that have been worked hard on. Top Loved and Viewed: It depends. Sometimes it's projects that take talent, other times it's cheesy little funnies. And getting curated: That depends on the curator's tastes. But for all, work hard and have fun with it. Good luck and I hope to see you on the front page!