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I uploaded on Dotsub ( an online tool that allow to insert video subtitles and to translate them in different languages) a Media Lab video about Scratch. I started the transcription in English ( it's the first step that permit to translate the subtitles in other languages) but I have some difficult to complete it (lost in transcription? ).
Can anyone help me to complete the transcription? For an English-American speaker is much more easier than for an Italian speaker.
To edit the English transcript you must:
- register on DotSub site
- select Scratch media Video (
- click on the link Transcribe film ( right column: Advanced Tools)
it opens a windows with several lines: each line contents the English text
- edit the text: ellipsis (...) means that the transcript is incompleted; question mark (?)
means doubtful transcription
- save: click on Done button.
Thanks in advance
Last edited by nilocram (2007-07-19 08:05:10)
This is wonderful! I just made edits to your transcription.
Can you recommend next steps? - how shall we encourage others to create translations for other languages?
Also, do you have recommendations on where to place the dotsub version of the video? I see they have an embed tag, so I can work on incorporating it into our site.
Thank you Natalie.
I have confirmed the transcription: I clicked on Mark Transcription as Complete.
Now the video is available in English and in English with subtitles.
Next step: now you can select the language you want translate to (right column: Translate This Film) and then you can click on the button Translate. ( I started the italian translation)
It appears a page with a table: under each part of English text there is a line where you can insert the translation.
I f you click on the button Save, you can afterwards edit the translation.
Click Done only if you have completed and corrected the translation: the text is no more editable.
Now I can leave on vacation
Thanks a lot for your helpfulness
Roberto Marcolin aka nilocram
I translated 62% to Spanish. I'll continue later or someone else can continue for me? :-)
natalie wrote:
Arjuna and Jay have now transcribed the Scratch Intro video:
We welcome translations!
Italian translation completed.
Ciao e buone vacanze!
I completed the Spanish translation of the about video. I still haven't finished the Intro VIdeo translation though.
I edited a few words of the Italian transcription. I hope this won't create any problem. Why aren't other videos loaded to that fantastic system (that I didn't know) that is Dotsub?
I uploaded the "Example: image effects" video too to dotsub, transcribed it and translated it to Italian (hope the English transcription is not too bad). You can access it from the "videos" section or go directly to
<say[ <think[ ]for( )secs><think[ <change[ ]effect by( <set[ ]effect to( <clear graphic effects><set size to( )%><go to front><play sound[ <play sound[ ]and waits><play drum( )for( )secss><play note( )for( )secss><set instrument to( <set pen shade to( <when[ ]key pressed><key[ ]pressed?><pick random( )to( <set{ }to( <glide( )secs to x )y
<point towards( <point towards( <switch to costume[ <say[ ]for( )secs><move( )steps><turn cw( )degrees><turn cw( )degrees><point in direction( <point in direction( <point towards( <go to x
<go to[ <glide( )secs to x
<glide( )secs to x
<change x by( <set x to( <go to[ <glide( )secs to x
<go to x
<point towards( <turn cw( )degrees><move( )steps><turn cw( )degrees><point in direction( <go to x
<glide( )secs to x
LJ1000 wrote:
Rule Number 1: Give Mememememememe COFFIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Give Me Coffie On Your Way Out Of Getting Coffie![]()
Folks, please keep your forum posts related to the topic being discussed! And, yes, I'm talking to you too Under_Taker_912. It's like interupting a conversation when you jump in with something random...very rude. Thank you.
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