kk is there a way for me to talk to you.
BTW The friend block takes longer the more friends you have!
johnnydean1 wrote:
kk is there a way for me to talk to you.
BTW The friend block takes longer the more friends you have!
That means it'll take ages for me...
johnnydean1 wrote:
Go on Hamachi!
Ok, im trying to do homework, program and forum at the same time, and trust me, its hard.
Made compile list and decompile string blocks.
I use it all the time in Mesh when I turn a list into a variable and visa-versa.
For those of you up to the challenge, the first Panther programming competition has been released for your competitive pleasure! check it out at our competition page!
Last edited by sparks (2010-06-12 11:12:01)
Is there any way to convert YCbCr to a JPEG image?
sparks wrote:
For those of you up to the challenge, the first Panther programming competition has been released for your competitive pleasure! check it out at our competition page!
I did the Image2Text competition, but I don't have and e-mail account (because my parent's don't want me too for some reason) to upload it. Is there any other way?
EDIT: Oh yeah, the reprinting in the project is REALLY slow, It's probably because it uses repeat blocks and that the .txt file is over 17000 lines long...
Last edited by ScratchReallyROCKS (2010-06-12 17:03:59)
ScratchReallyROCKS wrote:
sparks wrote:
For those of you up to the challenge, the first Panther programming competition has been released for your competitive pleasure! check it out at our competition page!
I did the Image2Text competition, but I don't have and e-mail account (because my parent's don't want me too for some reason) to upload it. Is there any other way?
Hmmmm... you can get short time email adresses, for 15, 30, 45, 60 minute long times, I can't remember the website though...
Do we know anything about the kinds of images used in testing? Photos, cartoons, graphs? Also, since the question of jpegs has come up, do we gain or lose points for lossy compression? (Much smaller file size, not as good graphic quality.)
I can make some blocks, if I get ideas...
That custom block for friends of user
It only works if the user has only 1 line of location. E.G England
Um... There are problems with the mesh feature in Panther...
I've made an awesome mesh chat. It's really great. I close and save it, and then the next time I open it, only the mesh-joiner can see the other's variables, and some are missing. This happens consistently.
I have to re-code everything to show my dad, and it's really frustrating to have to do that...
Youve got to join the mesh first to see the variables....
sparks wrote:
Hey guys, a little update for you, we're releasing a competition with Panther, this is likely to be that competition, so if any of you fancy winning, here it is, start thinking about it, even if you can't start programming:
What do you think? a little more advanced than scratch competitions, but you should be able to handle it. scanning an image with the colour and file blocks into hexadecimal is actually very easy, one of the first things I did with them, it's about getting it to work faster or more efficiently that's the challange.
I finished my entry. s..l...o....w.....
Hi all, glad to see some people taking the competition I don't think there's a deadline, we might just wait for X entries... or whenever we have time to judge them (believe me, Panther is a full occupation of my time
I think that using compression is a good idea, but try and use techniques like the ones by popular files types to make the most compression with the least visible loss of quality (the fact that the human eye is more sensitive to changes in shade than in colour may help you there (I think it's that way round, it might not be... )
at everyone and jd1. The blockshop has now reached the stage where it can compare each block against your search settings (e.g. only stacks or all catagories except sound) and then show only the ones that match your search. Each block takes about half a second to be checked (yeah, I know, it could be faster) EXCEPT jd1's friend block. it's code is so long that it takes the project about ten seconds to process it... Unfortunately it will be included in the search process every time wich means we MAY have to remove it from the blockshop. I don't want to, I think it's a great block and we'll do what we can to speed up the reading process so we can still include it
Keep submitting block code to the blockshop! Submission credit will be displayed in the project and "most contributing user" is displayed on the project (and possibly the Panther homepage too) so there are pleanty of incentives there for you!
For those interested, there are currently 15 blocks in the blockshop store and the chief contributers are nXIII and johnnydean1
Last edited by sparks (2010-06-13 07:26:08)
Hmmm NXIII this means war
Last edited by johnnydean1 (2010-06-13 09:45:53)
I'm usually against wars and violence in any form but if it means more blocks for the blockshop, I'm gonna egg you on like two contesters in a cockfight ... oh dear.... egg you on
EDIT: I should be shot for that one
Last edited by sparks (2010-06-13 10:21:34)
|t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10|
t1_ 0.
t2_ 0.
t9_ self reportVar: ('Scroll Size X').
t10_ self reportVar: ('Scroll Size Y').
t9 timesRepeat: [
t2_ t2 +1.
t10 timesRepeat: [
t1_ t1 + 1.
t3_ self concatenate: ('R') with: (t2).
t4_ self concatenate: ('C') with: (t1).
t5_ self concatenate: (t3) with: (t4).
self lookLike: ('t5').
t6_ (t1 * 480).
t7_ self reportVar: ('Scroll X').
t6_ (t6 - t7).
t8_ (t2 * 360).
t7_ self reportVar: ('Scroll Y').
t8_ (t8 - t7).
self gotoX: (t6) y: (t8).
self stampCostume.
Whats wrong with it?
It doesn't work...
johnnydean1 wrote:
|t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10|
t1_ 0.
t2_ 0.
t9_ self reportVar: ('Scroll Size X').
t10_ self reportVar: ('Scroll Size Y').
t9 timesRepeat: [
t2_ t2 +1.
t10 timesRepeat: [
t1_ t1 + 1.
t3_ self concatenate: ('R') with: (t2).
t4_ self concatenate: ('C') with: (t1).
t5_ self concatenate: (t3) with: (t4).
self lookLike: ('t5').
t6_ (t1 * 480).
t7_ self reportVar: ('Scroll X').
t6_ (t6 - t7).
t8_ (t2 * 360).
t7_ self reportVar: ('Scroll Y').
t8_ (t8 - t7).
self gotoX: (t6) y: (t8).
self stampCostume.
Are there any inputs in the block?