I want to have a menu at the beginning of my game. So i was wondering how i go about this?
You build it out of sprites that appear at the start of the game but that disappear when the selection has been made.
just make sprites that say things like "start" "help" etc and if click they do this
One approach is sprites that say the instructions, another is sprites that are just text.
Text Menu: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/EdnaC/81934
Sweet "talking" menu: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/EdnaC/33613
I usually test for a key to be pressed, but many Scratchrs use clicking on a sprite to start their game. Chalkmarrow has some really nifty menus that you should check out...
You can also make a menu with fewer sprites by having position-dependent actions based on clicks. I've used this for both rubber stamps and piano keyboards:
this is how i do it.
put this in the stage
<when green flag clicked>
<switch to costume[ menu
then do this to start the game:
make a new sprite called:Start Button
and put these scripts into it
<when green flag clicked>
<if><< <mouse down?> <and> <touching[ mousepointer >>
<broadcast[ level1
now do this in the same sprite
<when I receive[ level1
<when green flag clicked>
And finaly put this in the stage:
<when I receive[ level1
<switch to costume[ 1stlevel
and that should do it!
Last edited by stevii (2008-04-02 17:08:08)