bharvey wrote:
So, am I crazy or what?
I assumed that was a given...
Hardmath123 wrote:
nonretina MacBook Pro
Meh, I hear they're disappointing anyway
Now modify it to support notification center!
Go ahead! Or just tweak Growl to use Notification Center...
Doesn't it guzzle internet?
It makes a single HTTP request every minute (unless there's a new page).
I can already see the stylized "S" character on my menu bar.
That would indeed be cool! Let me know when it's done
I gave up—I'm not willing to fight the evil horrors of Objective-C to get that done, especially since I can just refresh the page every so often.
314 pages! Celebrate! It's going to be a while until 3,141 pages, right?
Hardmath123 wrote:
314 pages! Celebrate! It's going to be a while until 3,141 pages, right?
Everyone makes such a fuss over pi, and nobody ever notices the neglected younger sibling e, which is (imho) much more important mathematically. But someday it'll be e whose foot fits in the glass slipper and who gets to marry the prince.
bharvey wrote:
Hardmath123 wrote:
314 pages! Celebrate! It's going to be a while until 3,141 pages, right?
Everyone makes such a fuss over pi, and nobody ever notices the neglected younger sibling e, which is (imho) much more important mathematically. But someday it'll be e whose foot fits in the glass slipper and who gets to marry the prince.
I thought that would be tau
bharvey wrote:
Hardmath123 wrote:
314 pages! Celebrate! It's going to be a while until 3,141 pages, right?
Everyone makes such a fuss over pi, and nobody ever notices the neglected younger sibling e, which is (imho) much more important mathematically. But someday it'll be e whose foot fits in the glass slipper and who gets to marry the prince.
(That list inspired a Scratch project of mine…)
Last edited by Hardmath123 (2013-04-11 10:59:46)
Hardmath123 wrote:
bharvey wrote:
Hardmath123 wrote:
314 pages! Celebrate! It's going to be a while until 3,141 pages, right?
Everyone makes such a fuss over pi, and nobody ever notices the neglected younger sibling e, which is (imho) much more important mathematically. But someday it'll be e whose foot fits in the glass slipper and who gets to marry the prince.
(That list inspired a Scratch project of mine…)
What can "e" do besides find Golden Rectangles?
That's phi…
Offline wrote:
9) pi ~= 3.14 while e ~=2.718281828459045.
Is there some definition of "~=" that I don't know about?
blob8108 wrote: wrote:
9) pi ~= 3.14 while e ~=2.718281828459045.
Is there some definition of "~=" that I don't know about?
mythbusteranimator wrote:
blob8108 wrote: wrote:
9) pi ~= 3.14 while e ~=2.718281828459045.
Is there some definition of "~=" that I don't know about?
Yes, I know; but is there some definition of how approximate?
Otherwise you might as well say "pi ~= 3.14159265359 while e ~= 2.72"
Last edited by blob8108 (2013-04-11 11:45:12)
blob8108 wrote:
mythbusteranimator wrote:
blob8108 wrote:
Is there some definition of "~=" that I don't know about?
Yes, I know; but is there some definition of how approximate?
Otherwise you might as well say "pi ~= 3.14159265359 while e ~= 2.72"
Take a list of n numbers :1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8...N
Calculate the factorial n! of each number
Calculate the inverse of each new number : 1/n!
Sum these numbers Sigma 1/n! add 1 -> 2.7182787698...
A good example for MAP functions.
With N=32 you get 15 correct decimals
Easy to remember 2,7 1828 1828 45 90 45
Last edited by xly (2013-04-11 13:07:23)
blob8108 wrote:
mythbusteranimator wrote:
blob8108 wrote:
Is there some definition of "~=" that I don't know about?Approx.
Yes, I know; but is there some definition of how approximate?
Otherwise you might as well say "pi ~= 3.14159265359 while e ~= 2.72"
That's why that's only reason number 9…
Hardmath123 wrote:
blob8108 wrote:
mythbusteranimator wrote:
Approx.Yes, I know; but is there some definition of how approximate?
Otherwise you might as well say "pi ~= 3.14159265359 while e ~= 2.72"That's why that's only reason number 9…
Aren't those really just joke examples?
xly wrote:
Take a list of n numbers :1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8...
Calculate the factorial n! of each number
Calculate the inverse of each new number : 1/n!
Sum these numbers Sigma 1/n! add 1 -> 2.7182787698...
A good example for MAP functions.
Ooh, that was fun!
#lang racket (define (inverse n) (/ 1 n)) (define (fact n) (if (<= n 1) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1))))) (define (sum x) (if (eq? x '()) 0 (+ (car x) (sum (cdr x))))) (exact->inexact (sum (map inverse (map fact (range 100)))))
blob8108 wrote:
xly wrote:
Take a list of n numbers :1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8...
Calculate the factorial n! of each number
Calculate the inverse of each new number : 1/n!
Sum these numbers Sigma 1/n! add 1 -> 2.7182787698...
A good example for MAP functions.Ooh, that was fun!
#lang racket (define (inverse n) (/ 1 n)) (define (fact n) (if (<= n 1) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1))))) (define (sum x) (if (eq? x '()) 0 (+ (car x) (sum (cdr x))))) (exact->inexact (sum (map inverse (map fact (range 100)))))
I do not get Lisp. xD
mythbusteranimator wrote:
I do not get Lisp. xD
Read SICP!
Ah, yes, another thing on my list of 101 things to do this summer:
Chess AI
The Hobbit
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (long story about that)
Re-watch all Star Wars
Re-read Hitchhiker's Guide
Do complex numbers and trig with AoPS (intermediate algebra too, if I have time)
Write a sci-fi book
Download/use blender
Take over the world (again, if I have time)
Last edited by Hardmath123 (2013-04-11 12:49:13)
Hardmath123 wrote:
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
What's the long story? Also, why are you rewatching/rereading things? I thought the world's already producing content faster than one can consume it, without doing things twice...
Take over the world (again, if I have time)
@roijac: Maybe, if I get around to starting (all I have is a UI so far). It's in JS.
@blob8108: Because the world isn't producing enough good content. Hey, at least I'm not one of those people who reads LOTR 9 times or something…
bharvey wrote:
Hardmath123 wrote:
314 pages! Celebrate! It's going to be a while until 3,141 pages, right?
Everyone makes such a fuss over pi, and nobody ever notices the neglected younger sibling e, which is (imho) much more important mathematically. But someday it'll be e whose foot fits in the glass slipper and who gets to marry the prince.
When you play e on the piano, it sounds way cooler than pi.
You can't have an e day, though.
Last edited by technoboy10 (2013-04-11 13:55:30)
Feb 7th, 2018.
Hardmath123 wrote:
Because the world isn't producing enough good content.
Right, so why Star Wars and Hitchhiker's Guide? At least reread The Cider House Rules[/i] or [i]The Left Hand of Darkness or Speaker for the Dead.
Or SICP or Gödel, Escher, Bach.
But I bet there are good things you haven't read yet. Like all of Peter Dickinson, for example.