As well as having rotate blocks, wouldn't flip horizontally and flip vertically be good. This would mean that if you have sprite with loads of costumes you wouldn't have to make several versions of each one for say walking/backwards/upside down.
You already don't have to. In Scratch, there are buttons that will change how your sprite turns, rotation, flipping, or no change. In 1.4, they are up at the top of the screen, next to the basic info about your sprite, such as coordinates, direction, ect. In 2.0, there is a block to change this.
Sorry, I didn't notice them.
They're totally different though. You could want it to still rotate on it's axis and then flip. But of course, then you could always just add multiple costumes.
when gf clicked flip [sprite 1 v]What if you didn't want to use different costumes?
when gf clicked smoothly flip [sprite 1 v] for [3] seconds