IF you mean what I think you mean, then use this:
this would let you move one sprite, until you press space and then let you move another sprite, and after you press space let you move the lastwhenclicked
first spriterepeat untilkeyspace ▼pressed?ifkeyleft arrow ▼pressed?change x by-5ifkeyright arrow ▼pressed?change x by5ifkeyup arrow ▼pressed?change y by5ifkeydown arrow ▼pressed?change y by-5changecounter ▼by1whenclicked
2nd spriteforeverifcounter=1repeat untilkeyspace ▼pressed?ifkeyleft arrow ▼pressed?change x by-5ifkeyright arrow ▼pressed?etc...changecounter ▼by1whenclicked
3rd spriteforeverifcounter=2repeat untilkeyspace ▼pressed?ifkeyleft arrow ▼pressed?change x by-5ifkeyright arrow ▼pressed?etc...changecounter ▼by1
Last edited by zammer990 (2012-06-30 06:38:27)