PAINT.NET: Precise And Incredibly Not Trying.Never Ever Try
My dad once said to me:
"If your girlfriend ever offers you either a 0.0000001th of a cake or a 0.00001th of cake, take the 0.00001th of a cake and then dump her."
JinnOfTheGale wrote:
I got one:
There are 10 types of people in the world; those who know binary, and those who don't.
There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, those who don't, and those who realized this is actually trinary.
My mom told me to put away cans of Sprite and I said "Do you want me to put sounds and costumes away too?" XD
GLaDOS2 wrote:
tailskirbyyoshifan wrote:
Modem: ModeratorDemoderaror
Yup! Modem actually stands for ModulatorDemodulator.