Hmm.... here's one method I came up with.
when gf clicked // Give this script to the stage. delete [all v] of [y values v] add [-150] to [y values v] add [-50] to [y values v] add [50] to [y values v] add [150] to [y values v] broadcast [sprite 1 v] and wait broadcast [sprite 2 v] and wait broadcast [sprite 3 v] and wait broadcast [sprite 4 v] and wait when I receive [sprite 1 v] //Give this to each sprite, but use different names set [random v] to (pick random (1) to (length of [y values v])) go to x: (0) y: (item (random) of [y values v]) delete (random) of [y values v]I basically used the script trinary posted, but extended it with all of the blocks that are needed for the project.
rings wrote:
in which language?
Hello, rings! Discussion in this forum is specifically for the Scratch programming language, so all questions here will be referring to Scratch.