This is a read-only archive of the old Scratch 1.x Forums.
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Topic Replies Views Last post
Best Suggestion ever! by TheSaint
0 147 2010-04-01 16:54:33 by TheSaint
9 470 2010-04-01 15:23:44 by Lucario621
4 456 2010-04-01 12:51:21 by dusski
5 1530 2010-03-31 17:59:31 by Awsome-me
Hebrew Section by Greenboi  [ 1 2 ]
30 1685 2010-03-31 14:04:17 by markyparky56
Frequent Updates by illusionist
15 596 2010-03-31 08:15:37 by ThePCKid
This topic is closed
19 1253 2010-03-30 18:18:54 by Paddle2See
Posting games by VIVCOOL
1 274 2010-03-30 17:25:54 by Jonathanpb
Variable and List control... by AnonymousTom
0 166 2010-03-30 13:47:18 by AnonymousTom
12 1303 2010-03-29 20:01:06 by owetre18
Moved: my new version of scratch by electrified123
19 950 2010-03-29 16:13:53 by AddZero
Tutorials Forum by Greenboi  [ 1 2 3 ]
52 2794 2010-03-29 13:51:08 by Greenboi
Forum Bucks by ScratchGamer417
3 422 2010-03-29 01:21:00 by Jonathanpb
Moved: Panther development thread by SeptimusHeap
2 450 2010-03-28 08:01:04 by SeptimusHeap
crack tool by frankdude
4 279 2010-03-27 16:10:00 by technoguyx
5 482 2010-03-27 06:34:14 by Bopitman99
Moved: Glitch by cougers
0 195 2010-03-26 16:23:45 by AmoebaMan
Merging Sprites by mulus_equum_amat
10 2406 2010-03-26 12:31:41 by markyparky56
10 590 2010-03-25 18:08:15 by Lightnin
Different Readouts by MaxtheWeirdo
7 524 2010-03-25 14:36:28 by nXIII
7 537 2010-03-25 11:01:59 by markyparky56
hide/show lists blocks by AmoebaMan
4 327 2010-03-25 06:02:46 by markyparky56
costume naming by throughthefire  [ 1 2 ]
27 1203 2010-03-25 06:01:08 by markyparky56
Moved: Big Problem by nobody36
1 209 2010-03-23 15:05:01 by juststickman
Contains blocks by stickmanmessage
4 511 2010-03-23 12:13:06 by markyparky56
Custom loading animations by AnimationMan
1 217 2010-03-22 14:56:15 by gershmer

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