1.Newton's Itterative method.
Maximum Magnitude (scrolldown, linear or quadratic)
Equation of magnitude 2-5 (ax^5+bx^4+cx^3+dx^2+fx+g=n where a, b , c, and/or d do not equal 0
Number of itterations (at least 1)
Approx. Solution
Output: Approx. Solution after specified number of iterations.
2- Quadratic Formula (see block library)
n from base a to base b
Converts the value n in base a into base b, converting through base 10. A and b must both be whole numbers >1.
4- AMU
Inputs: H,C,P,N,O, all>=0
Report: H+(12*C)+(31*P)+(14*N)+(16*O)
5- StucturalPossibility
Inputs:H,C,P,N,O, all>=0
Var: q=H+(2*O)+(3*N)+(4*C)+(5*C)
Report: (H<=(.5*q) OR q=2) AND (2<=(.5*) OR O=0) AND (3<=(.5*q) OR N=0) AND (4<=(.5*q) OR C=0)
AND (5<=(.5*q) OR P=0) AND (q (MOD 2)=0)
Last edited by SuperJedi224 (2011-11-16 02:06:59)