Well I am a warrior fanatic and posted 6 or so games and most of them had sour comments. I can't think of anything to post that won't recive bad attention. Do you think I should quit making my games? Please help!
I moved this to "All About Scratch".
And I don't think you should quit!
if anything, you should keep trying harder, quitting will just satisfy those who gave you the comments. I like to see comments like that as a push to try harder!
If there are sour comments, ignore, flag, or hit the [x] by them.
And no, I do not think you should quit, my first project and the next 5-6 really sucked, then I started looking at other projects and started getting better.
you really, should not quit because of some comments.
Don't quit!
Darkeststar wrote:
Well I am a warrior fanatic and posted 6 or so games and most of them had sour comments. I can't think of anything to post that won't receive bad attention. Do you think I should quit making my games? Please help!
I am also a Warrior Cats maniac (as you can see in my signature) and I have made few Warriors projects. The have received good comments though.
To get your Warriors projects popular, you need to make them things that are, a) Related to Warrior Cats, and b) Games/animations that are action-packed and full of adventure, just like the books.
When I first joined Scratch in September 2008 I was in the same situation as you and couldn't think of any good Warriors games. So I took a good look around the Scratch website using the search bar and was surprised to see that most people's Warriors projects, no offense, were actually not all that good at all and weren't related to Warriors at all. The only Warriors-related games I could see were one where you received your warrior name.
So that got me thinking. I thought, Well, the only solution is to think of a game that nobody else on Scratch has made. I even surfed Google and all I found was sites where you could chat to other warriors and pretend you live in a camp etc.
I haven't really made anything that popular just yet, but here are a few ideas to get you started...
1. Warriors movies
2. A gallery where people can add their warriors and chat by commenting
3. A Warriors make your own camp and territory game
I'm even making a Warriors RPG which should be out by April 15th, but believe me, IT'S REALLY HARD TO MAKE. But if you are an enthusiastic Scratch-er like me and work hard at your projects, you'll be able to make all kinds of things.
I hope the ideas I gave you will give you inspiration towards more Warriors projects. I don't think you should quit because Scratch is a safe and friendly place. Also, if you want your projects to be even more popular, go to the "Show and tell" section in the Scratch forums.
I really hope this helps you! Please don't quit! Happy Scratch-ing!
Don't quit. Just try spending more time on your projects, and try asking experienced Scratchers to teach you new stuff, or if you still don't understand, fix your errors.
BTW, there are lots of companies in Scratch. You could help in one, or make a collaborative project with someone else.
If people are mean to you, you can know that they are being immature and inconsiderate, it isn't like you caused those comments, and you don't need to take them out on yourself, and deleting yourself is (what i think) just what those people want, don't please them!
joeyman wrote:
Don't quit! Scratch is a nice place!
I can agree, I am part of a few communities, i think scratch is the best of them.
If you don't like Scratch, and want to quit, then quit. If you do like Scratch and are willing to take constructive criticism and ignore the idiots, then stay! XP
you shouldn't! Nobody needs to quit, if you got bad comments flag them dicuss it with others!
<when green flag clicked>
<say[ Don't quit! ]for( 2)secs>
<when I receive[ Darkeststar has quit
<say[ NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
<when I receive[ Darkeststar's not quitting!
<say[ YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
um what?
this topic is a few months old
(s)he couldve quit by now
anyway i think that darkest star meant to quit making projects not quit scratch
dont quit, just do something besides those cat drawings