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#26 2009-02-01 05:46:39

Registered: 2007-11-06
Posts: 500+

Re: Featured Scratchers

ts great to see how far this is going guys! Mabye someone can make a mockup of this? we also need to think about time limits, how long a user can stay up for before they are kicked of the front. Otherwise one user could constatnly stay on the front page, getting more and more thank yous!

Xkhaoz wrote:

I'm pretty much everything on that list, I've never made front page, except for newest projects. I'm friendly and helpful, I have less than 25 friends, but I don't have at least 50 views on 3 projects. My highest view count is 22 on DF:CS. I think I have at least 10 love-its. My stuff is good, but nobody views it, yet people get their projects on front page and my stuff is better.

dito that  tongue



#27 2009-02-08 00:35:53

Registered: 2008-12-26
Posts: 12

Re: Featured Scratchers

I think having featured scratchers is a great idea.  However, I think the biggest problem right now is that so many deserving projects go unnoticed.  I've looked through older projects to try to find under-appreciated ones and I've seen very nice six-month-old projects sitting with no views (unsurprisingly, often written by now-inactive users).

Some suggestions:

1) Make the Surprise section only show projects that have had less than a certain number of views AND less than a certain number of "impressions" where an impression is any time the project's thumbnail is shown.  If after 10,000 impressions a project still doesn't have 100 views, for instance, then it probably can't be helped.

2) Provide a way to search for under-appreciated projects (say those with less than 10 views, less than 100 impressions, and more than a week old) and allow people to "recommend" projects found that way.   A recommended project could get a boost on the surprise list.

3) Provide a Top Favorites section, but only consider the top 5 or so of each user's favorites list.

4) Earn "karma points" by viewing projects, leaving comments, or posting on the forums.  Use the karma points to recommend projects and/or scratchers.



#28 2009-02-08 09:07:31

Registered: 2008-02-17
Posts: 1000+

Re: Featured Scratchers

THis would be my ideas:

1. You need to have at least 50 thank yous
2. the scratch team has to agree you belong there
3. You have to be friendly and helpful (once again, the scratch team picking)
i really dont like the idea of you can't have been on the front page because many people have been and i think everyone should get a fair chance

Dear Scratch Users,
I'm done with scratch, or at least making projects. I have made one last big game, thats both fun and teaches a lesson about water. It'd mean a lot if you gave me feedback.                    



#29 2009-02-08 09:58:38

Registered: 2008-12-17
Posts: 100+

Re: Featured Scratchers

bosox397 wrote:

THis would be my ideas:

1. You need to have at least 50 thank yous
2. the scratch team has to agree you belong there
3. You have to be friendly and helpful (once again, the scratch team picking)
i really dont like the idea of you can't have been on the front page because many people have been and i think everyone should get a fair chance

Well... I think that people mabye could only be featured scratchers if they have less than maybe 2-3 projects on the front page... because I thnk that scartch should reach out to those people that no one really cares about them...

Guppy Inc. making projects famous!



#30 2009-02-08 10:29:06

Registered: 2007-07-02
Posts: 1000+

Re: Featured Scratchers

This idea seems nice. I like it......

Scratchin' since 2007



#31 2009-02-08 11:48:56

Registered: 2008-02-17
Posts: 1000+

Re: Featured Scratchers

techy wrote:

bosox397 wrote:

THis would be my ideas:

1. You need to have at least 50 thank yous
2. the scratch team has to agree you belong there
3. You have to be friendly and helpful (once again, the scratch team picking)
i really dont like the idea of you can't have been on the front page because many people have been and i think everyone should get a fair chance

Well... I think that people mabye could only be featured scratchers if they have less than maybe 2-3 projects on the front page... because I thnk that scartch should reach out to those people that no one really cares about them...

no it could like switch off. one week = person on front page, next week = someone who was never on the front page

Dear Scratch Users,
I'm done with scratch, or at least making projects. I have made one last big game, thats both fun and teaches a lesson about water. It'd mean a lot if you gave me feedback.                    



#32 2009-02-08 11:59:40

Registered: 2008-11-04
Posts: 1000+

Re: Featured Scratchers

Uber-Post Time!

Okay, I have several Ideas. I like the idea of "thank yous" and Karma points. What if you have around three(Like earlier stated) Thank yous to give out and that you would give them to poeple for just being nice. Maybe having a button next to their name in the fourms, underneath every comment and on their homepage would be good because it would allow for someone to read a nice, well thought out comment/post and allow them to give the thank you right out on the spot. Having to switch pages to do so would discourage people from taking the effort.

You guys were talking about how their should be a limit on how many times an account could get featured. I think that is a great idea, no more than three times every five months sounds great. I however, think that making it so they can't get featured based on how popular their projects are is completly biased. Unfortunatly, many of the most helpful people, (Archmage, Paddle2See) get on the front page alot and that would not be fair to them. Both of them have nearly 20-40 tutorials in their accounts.

I also like the idea of how surprise projects should go for projects under 50 views, which is more than half of the projects on this site. Anyways, that seems to be a great idea and one that keeps popping up. (The multiple Least Viewed Threads)

Going on what Paddle said in the HP comparison, I think that although a group of people with unlimited number of thank yous would be great, alot of those would probably become impersonal. Yeah, they were nice to someone else but I think that these should mean something.

Branching off of that, maybe their could be a message that says "________ gave you a thank you!" That would make these more personal. However, this could lead to people giving thankyous to people who gave them a thank you and therfore would ruin that whole system. Just a thought.  smile

You also talked about how you should limit it to people who have been active for a while. How about making it so they must have been active for at least a week, must have 25 comments and one project.  The reason I made it only one project is because for people like me, it takes around a month to release one and that would just make others discouraged.

Youtube has a great comment rating system, although that could lead to feelings getting hurt. It also may lead to better posts though.

One last suggestion is that you could put recommended users on your homepage. Maybe like 3 per person. It would just say "______ recommends _______, ________ and ________." Just a thought.

Sorry for the length of this Uber-Post, but I just wanted to share my thought with you people. And I was bored.  tongue

Last edited by TheSaint (2009-02-08 12:01:19)



#33 2009-02-08 12:23:31

Registered: 2008-02-17
Posts: 1000+

Re: Featured Scratchers

Good ideas

Dear Scratch Users,
I'm done with scratch, or at least making projects. I have made one last big game, thats both fun and teaches a lesson about water. It'd mean a lot if you gave me feedback.                    



#34 2009-02-08 12:56:30

Registered: 2008-02-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Featured Scratchers

I think that there should be collective ratings, so if you reply to, for example, "What are variables for?" in "All About Scratch", the person who started the thread could select a "Was this post helpful?" button. However, this button would not exist outside of All About Scratch, Advanced Topics and Sensor Boards as they are the only ones where questions are supposed to be answered.

I also think having flagged projects take away "karma points" should be neatly sidestepped to avoid flame wars with multiple accounts.

Favorites should also be factored, because I love-it above-average projects, but stunning projects I would like to be reminded of I love-it and favorite. So a favorite alone could be worth 1.5 love-its, but a favorite and love-it could be worth 3 love-its.

There could be an average of love-its per project (for users with love-its, to avoid diluted results.) If anybody has more than thrice this average, they will be deemed "already famous enough" and will not be featured.

I'm sure others will iron out the wrinkles in these ideas, but I think "Featured Users" could really be awesome! Oh, and let's not forget the theoretical "Most Favorited" section on the frontpage.  wink



#35 2009-02-08 13:00:09

Registered: 2008-02-17
Posts: 1000+

Re: Featured Scratchers

I really want top favorited. I made a project about it and got over 45 remixes (signatures)

Dear Scratch Users,
I'm done with scratch, or at least making projects. I have made one last big game, thats both fun and teaches a lesson about water. It'd mean a lot if you gave me feedback.                    



#36 2009-02-08 19:04:10

Registered: 2008-01-13
Posts: 33

Re: Featured Scratchers

I love this idea! Generally I look at all the new featured projects, so featured users would make themselves known fast.



#37 2009-03-08 22:31:24

Registered: 2008-07-27
Posts: 82

Re: Featured Scratchers

Lanie wrote:

3. Has Less Than 25 Friends

I guess that counts me out. lol

My stuff:
Your face: Look at a gopher



#38 2009-03-10 10:54:04

Registered: 2008-09-08
Posts: 1000+

Re: Featured Scratchers

I like the idea, I might promote friendlyness in the scratch community because if users want to be featured they know that they will have to be friendly and helpfull. I think that there should be somthing like that.



#39 2009-03-10 10:57:16

Registered: 2008-09-08
Posts: 1000+

Re: Featured Scratchers

techy wrote:

bosox397 wrote:

THis would be my ideas:

1. You need to have at least 50 thank yous
2. the scratch team has to agree you belong there
3. You have to be friendly and helpful (once again, the scratch team picking)
i really dont like the idea of you can't have been on the front page because many people have been and i think everyone should get a fair chance

Well... I think that people mabye could only be featured scratchers if they have less than maybe 2-3 projects on the front page... because I thnk that scartch should reach out to those people that no one really cares about them...

Ya, I think that is a good Idea.



#40 2009-03-11 09:38:50

Registered: 2008-09-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: Featured Scratchers

Ther sholud also be a random new user space(kind of like surprise projects) where it has a random user that less more than 1 project, less than 10, and dosen't have more than 25 views on any of their projects



#41 2009-03-11 16:37:34

Registered: 2008-02-17
Posts: 1000+

Re: Featured Scratchers

Well they kinda have that with the recent visitors part.

Dear Scratch Users,
I'm done with scratch, or at least making projects. I have made one last big game, thats both fun and teaches a lesson about water. It'd mean a lot if you gave me feedback.                    



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