Dear Developers,
My name is Sue and I teach computers.... I downloaded Scratch on my home computer. I've experimented with it and I love it! I have worked through your help screens but I need additional help. Has anyone published a how-to book? If so, can you send me the title and the author's name. I would like to master Scratch so that I can teach it to my 7th and 8th grade students.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Computer Instructor
It's great to hear your enthusiasm. I don't think we have exactly what you're asking for, but I'll do my best to give some suggestions and I hope I'll hit the spot.
Right now, most of the materials (at are aimed at getting people started. The more complex how-to stuff has not yet materialized. Many subtleties have been discussed in the forums. Some of the FAQs
have some good tips, like how to embed a scratch project in your own webpage for example. If you have exhausted the knowledge on the forums
and you have looked at the support page, and you still feel that you want to learn more, I'll tell you what I do.
For example, if I want to make a story, but I've tried and gotten stuck, I look at how other people on the site have made similar projects. I might go to the "tags" section on the front page of the website and click on "story". Then I pick a story that's kind of like what I want and download the project. In Scratch, I look at the code, take the code apart, and click on parts of the code to try to figure out how the project works.
I also sometimes get together in groups and try to make projects. When I get stuck I collaborate with others. I even led workshops for the last few months (with 7th and 8th graders in fact) and I found out there was a lot I didn't know but I learned in the process with them.
Best of luck,
P.S. As we begin to consider what publications would be useful, I wonder if you have any examples of computer books you've found most helpful for you? If you can suggest any titles for us to look at, that would be great.
Please tell me,when i made my dress up game on scratch,I couldn't move the clothes around.How do I fix this?
Did you have a script for each clothing item so that when the mouse was down the sprite moved to the mouse? There are several programs that have this sort of behavior, implemented in various ways. I'm partial to my rubber stamp program:
I'm trying to show my computer teacher sctratch.
This is jus sumthing funny :
<y r u in that position?>
Why do you always put:
Each to his own and own to his each. So why is it so hard for everyone to get along?? It's infuriating still when hard times come:
DON'T WORRY (da da da da) BE HAPPY /
just to help new members (but mostly i was bored lol sorry):
<move( )steps><turn cw( )degrees><turn cw( )degrees><point in direction( <point towards( <go to x )y <go to[ <glide( )secs to x )y <change x by( <set x to( <change y by( <set y to( <if on edge, bounce><x position><y position><direction><switch to costume[ <next costume><say[ ]for( )secs><say[ <think[ ]for( )secs><think[ <change[ ]effect by( <set[ ]effect to( <clear graphic effects><change size by( <set size to( )%><size><show><hide><go to front><go back( )layers><play sound[ <play sound[ ]and waits><stop all sounds><play drum( )for( )secss><play note( )for( )secss><set instrument to( <clear><pen down><change pen color by( <pen up><set pen color to( <change pen shade by( <change pen shade by( <set pen shade to( <change pen size by( <set pen size to( <stamp><when green flag clicked><when[ ]key pressed><when[ ]clicked><wait( )secsc><forever><repeat( <broadcast[ <broadcast[ ]and wait c><when I receive[ <forever if><if><end><else><wait until><repeat until><stop script><stop all><mouse x><mouse y><mouse down?><key[ ]pressed?><touching[ <touching color[ <color[ ]is over[ <distance to[ <reset timer><timer><loudness><loud?>(( <+> ))(( <-> ))(( <*> ))(( </> ))<pick random( )to( <( <<> )><( <=> )><( <>> )><< <and> >><< <or> >><< <not> >>(( <mod> ))<abs( <round( <change{ }by( <set{ }to( <{ }>
I got some help for her! I have a scratch website that aims to teach scratch to many, including ideas for projects, ads for projects, tutorials(still being added), and scratch contest. I will also have notifications for scratch days, and lots! My sister ColaXD2 is starbarlol1, and she helps me. So it's pretty much done and will updated, so I can help her out on her problem. It's called I hope I can help her, I'm still working on tutorials, but if Sue has a specific question I can help! I'm also teaching Scratch from grades 4-7, and it's fun and difficult. It's best to look at the scripts, download projects, and view tutorials like mine! I was able to teach them by a tutorial, an example on how scripts work, then some personal help! It's kinda' hard since I'm only 9 too!
Last edited by Penguinsrock (2009-03-27 17:19:19)
emman256 wrote:
Hi guys!I'm new here and i downloaded scratch yesterday.Does anyone know how to make a game?
Just, uh, make a game. It's pretty easy and VERY straightforward. It's sort of like asking how to read... You can't really explain it.
hey anyone wanna trade really good pokemon on friday? my friend code is 331039741355