Ok, here are my three BBCode [code] tag improvements:
1. [code=bbcode] disables BBCode in it, but that's it.
2. [code=color] allows the [color] tag only, to highlight certain parts.
3. [code=js]Creates a link with a javascript:() url (bookmarklet).
Oh, and maybe rolling the mouse over the code well should select all of the code.
Last edited by Hardmath123 (2011-11-05 12:18:56)
I wanted to hear the Advanced Scratchers' opinions, as they are more valuable as pertaining to this particular suggestion. If it's generally well-liked, I'll suggest these there.
Really, you don't think a Minecraft lover in Miscellaneous would need syntax highlighting, do you?
Wow, this would be an improvement.
Also, how about a line number in the beginning of each line?
ProgrammingFreak wrote:
Wow, this would be an improvement.
Also, how about a line number in the beginning of each line?
I don't like that. Then the line numbers get copied and when you paste the code you get errors.
Besides, why do we need line numbers?
Hardmath123 wrote:
ProgrammingFreak wrote:
Wow, this would be an improvement.
Also, how about a line number in the beginning of each line?I don't like that. Then the line numbers get copied and when you paste the code you get errors.
Besides, why do we need line numbers?
Line numbers that don't get copied are actually an incredible idea!
I'm just thinking of one person that always asks people for PHP errors on line X, and wants us to count the lines -_-
they should also consider updating the script blocks
new smilies would also be cool
LS97 wrote:
Hardmath123 wrote:
ProgrammingFreak wrote:
Wow, this would be an improvement.
Also, how about a line number in the beginning of each line?I don't like that. Then the line numbers get copied and when you paste the code you get errors.
Besides, why do we need line numbers?Line numbers that don't get copied are actually an incredible idea!
I'm just thinking of one person that always asks people for PHP errors on line X, and wants us to count the lines -_-
Well, most websites have a link you click to popup a plain version of it to copy. Or others have a link to automatically copy it.
ProgrammingFreak wrote:
LS97 wrote:
Hardmath123 wrote:
I don't like that. Then the line numbers get copied and when you paste the code you get errors.
Besides, why do we need line numbers?Line numbers that don't get copied are actually an incredible idea!
I'm just thinking of one person that always asks people for PHP errors on line X, and wants us to count the lines -_-Well, most websites have a link you click to popup a plain version of it to copy. Or others have a link to automatically copy it.
Ok... I guess maybe putting the code in a separate div than the line numbers, then adding the attrib onmouseover="this.select()" should do the trick.
How about [monospace] for a piece of code within a normal piece of text, like the attribute I mentioned in the sentence above?
LS97 wrote:
I'm just thinking of one person that always asks people for PHP errors on line X, and wants us to count the lines -_-
[name removed by moderator-specific names not needed to make the point, don't go starting a flame ]?
Last edited by Paddle2See (2011-11-08 09:56:06)
Hardmath123 wrote:
ProgrammingFreak wrote:
LS97 wrote:
Line numbers that don't get copied are actually an incredible idea!
I'm just thinking of one person that always asks people for PHP errors on line X, and wants us to count the lines -_-Well, most websites have a link you click to popup a plain version of it to copy. Or others have a link to automatically copy it.
Ok... I guess maybe putting the code in a separate div than the line numbers, then adding the attrib onmouseover="this.select()" should do the trick.
How about [monospace] for a piece of code within a normal piece of text, like the attribute I mentioned in the sentence above?
Or what about using OL tag?
I likez!
LS97 wrote:
Hardmath123 wrote:
ProgrammingFreak wrote:
Wow, this would be an improvement.
Also, how about a line number in the beginning of each line?I don't like that. Then the line numbers get copied and when you paste the code you get errors.
Besides, why do we need line numbers?Line numbers that don't get copied are actually an incredible idea!
I'm just thinking of one person that always asks people for PHP errors on line X, and wants us to count the lines -_-
We need line numbers that don't get copied to live!
I guess syntax highlighting is asking for too much...?
And [code=html] could have a "view in frame" button.
the [code=bbcode] idea is actually not neccersery because you can acctually do this:
will produce
or you don't need to use [i][/i] you can use [b][/b] or any empty bbcode.
Last edited by joefarebrother (2011-11-06 03:53:30)
joefarebrother wrote:
the [code=bbcode] idea is actually not neccersery because you can acctually do this:
will produce
or you don't need to use [i][/i] you can use [b][/b] or any empty bbcode.
Ok, now imagine I need to share the entire BBCode of the Block Library home page, and italicize the third line? Sounds... tiring.
Oh, you misspelled necessary.
Hardmath123 wrote:
I guess syntax highlighting is asking for too much...?
Actually, we could use this.
Hardmath123 wrote:
Hardmath123 wrote:
Ok, here are my three BBCode [code] tag improvements:
1. [code=bbcode] disables BBCode in it, but that's it.
2. [code=color] allows the [color] tag only, to highlight certain parts.
3. [code=js]Creates a link with a javascript:() url (bookmarklet).
Oh, and maybe rolling the mouse over the code well should select all of the code.
1. You could always use the code tags.
2. I don’t understand. Are you saying it allows certain parts to be colored and bold? But you can already do that.
3. This would cause the page to load A LOT longer, and that was one of the reasons Scratch put a limit on signature sizes.