My suggestion? Some people on the scratch site are just not mature. Look at it! There's spam and hacking and rude and hateful comments. The scratch team needs to stop this at once! I know that this is a website for young kids, but sometimes we need to check their maturity. Like in the post before this, it says that there are little kids that arent learning the language, but simply changing costumes of previous projects to pass them on as their own. What do I think that we should do? Well, i'm glad you asked!
Limit remixing:
Have the owner of the project decide weather people are allowed to remix their project, choosing between "yes", "Only with my permission" or "not at all" This would keep immature people from stealing other's work.
Add more man-power to the Scratch Team:
WIth the low # of people on the Scratch Team right now, it's tough to catch mean and hurtful comments. Barely any are caught by the team. So, I believe that if the Scratch team appointed everyday users of Scratch to become low-ranking Scratch Team members, they would beable to report and ban accounts that are up to no good, cause lets face it: MIT students (or teachers, i really dont know who the scratch team members are,) cant catch everyday situations.
Now, my veiwers, ELABORATE UPON THIS!
This has been answered before, and these are what the answers were (I think)
1. Scratch is all about sharing. You must allow people to remix your work under the license employed. ( for more info see
2. Everyone can help out the Scartch team and mods by reporting/flagging projects. Also, there are 7 Scratch team members (I think), around six main forum mods, and 4 TBG mods, along with three (really two) retired mods.
SJRCS_011 wrote:
Scratch is all about sharing.
SJRCS_011 wrote:
2. Everyone can help out the Scartch team and mods by reporting/flagging projects. Also, there are 7 Scratch team members (I think), around six main forum mods, and 4 TBG mods, along with three (really two) retired mods.
Retired mods can't do much (they can do more than us I think, but not much).
However, if you do count all the powerful people together, I think a workforce of around 20 people is more than enough to keep a site friendly.
Not to mention, there are about 200 thousand people that will actively report/flag an inappropriate or offensive submission!
Remember that the more people there are in a team, the harder it is to co-ordinate the jobs. 20 is already pushing the limit.