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I am making a game and I am trying to have my sprite jump and then land on a platform. However, the sprtie just falls through the platform.
I have a two questions:
1)Does the platform need to be a sprite, or part of the background?
2) How can I prevent the sprite from falling through (what code do I use)?
how bout something like this?
when flag clicked forever if key up arrow pressed repeat 20 change y by 10.
when flag clicked forever if not touching color(whatever) change y by -5
if touching color(whatever) change y by 5
Try looking at this:
better wrote:
no, the platform must be a sprite :
No it doesn't. You can just put:
if touching (colour of platform)
The platform may be whatever you want (even a costume for your character sprite)
To make your sprite stand on a platform make a script similar to this
Jinck wrote:
The platform may be whatever you want (even a costume for your character sprite)
To make your sprite stand on a platform make a script similar to this
That didn't come out right!
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Pages: 1