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#1 2009-03-01 18:48:38

Registered: 2008-08-27
Posts: 500+

Off-Topic forum

Hey, incase you don't know me, I'm fairly new to this game and hopefully I have a lot to bring to scratch. My suggestion is an off-topic forum. I think that this would be a good idea because it would be a good place to talk about anything unrelated to scratch that's on your mind at the moment. Obviously there should be a few ground rules about this forum laid down right now, and maybe add some later on.

Rule #1-Don't make other people feel bad about themselves/no flaming.
Reason for this: No one likes to be put down, whether it's in real life or online.

Rule #2-No spam
Reason for this: incase you don't know what spam is, I've come up with a good acronym to describe it.

Rule #3-No topics that contain links to any websites that have content that includes
sexual content/viruses/death, or anything that someone would find offensive.
Reason: Self explanatory.

Rule #4-Try to use correct grammar.
Reason: No one wants to read "omg like lol g2g", atleast I don't.

Rule #5-No topics that include pornographic material/death/or hurtful ideas.
Reason: Please people, keep in mind that there are people that could be as young as 4 viewing this forum.

Rule #6-English Only.
Reason: There's a reason why there are other languages that scratch reads in.

Rule #7-No stealing ideas/taking old threads without giving credit.
Reason: If someone makes a good topic that you like and want to remake or use the idea for, just like how you would give credit to someone who made a great project that you're remixing, give credit to the original thread creator.

Rule #8-Have Fun!
Reason: This topic, especially is meant for having fun and sharing your ideas and other awesome stuff that could be going on in real life or elsewhere online.

(unofficial) Rule #9-Remember that this was mine (Usatt1337's) idea.
Reason: it was my idea  smile .




#2 2009-03-01 19:39:07

Registered: 2007-07-04
Posts: 1000+

Re: Off-Topic forum

Actually, Inspiration and More is mostly an offtopic forum. People post lots of offtopic stuff there.

I'm taking a break from Scratch until 2.0 comes out. Any messages sent between then and now probably won't be read - sorry.
(Oct. 20, 2011)



#3 2009-03-02 17:57:17

Registered: 2008-08-27
Posts: 500+

Re: Off-Topic forum

not necessarily though, it says anything that's RELATED to scratch not listed in the above forums.



#4 2009-03-02 18:14:07

Registered: 2007-07-04
Posts: 1000+

Re: Off-Topic forum

There's actually lots of stuff that isn't related to scratch when you look through it, like the forum games, Talk about SSBB, and that topic called "OMG READ THIS QUICK ITS MEGA IMPORTANT!!!!!!! (it is not an add)". But you're right about there being lots of topics related to scratch.

I'm taking a break from Scratch until 2.0 comes out. Any messages sent between then and now probably won't be read - sorry.
(Oct. 20, 2011)



#5 2009-03-02 18:16:06

Registered: 2008-08-27
Posts: 500+

Re: Off-Topic forum

But idea is to have a thread that has nothing to do with scratch where you could talk about...whatever. as long as it is within the rules. Most forums infact, actually do have off-topic forums, so I just thought it would be a good idea.



#6 2009-03-02 19:09:26

Registered: 2007-11-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Off-Topic forum

Inspiration and More is for topics that don't directly relate to Scratch.

Last edited by Zelda123 (2009-03-02 19:09:34)



#7 2009-03-02 19:17:21

Registered: 2008-12-17
Posts: 100+

Re: Off-Topic forum

Thats what inspiration and more is for.
Inspiration and more is for:

Ideas and discussions inspired by Scratch or that could inspire future projects. Use this forum if you are not certain if the topic is directly related to Scratch.

Last edited by techy (2009-03-02 19:18:38)

Guppy Inc. making projects famous!



#8 2009-03-03 08:56:46

Scratch Team at MIT
Registered: 2007-03-05
Posts: 1000+

Re: Off-Topic forum

If the only purpose of using the Scratch forums is to discuss things not related to Scratch I think it would be better to use a different website. There are tons of other cool websites that are more open ended. You could even create your own forum:

Andres Monroy-Hernandez | Scratch Team at the MIT Media Lab
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