sometimes popularity can be a bad thing, i kind of liked scratch better before, when there was only a new project everyhour, not every 5 sec. before everone noticed your project and everyone helped each other on thier projects, now hardly no-ones projects are noticed, people copy, and they cuss and say bad things about other peoples projects
& I used to like it when I was a n00b! Now I have 1,000,000 friends, 1,000,000,000 friend requests, 89 or something projects, loads of galleries (idk why theyre still there), to many favourites, so many comments that I have to read 1 every second to keep up, a slow image (makes everything slower than it already is because it moves) & now I have to go around & tidy up my galleries! Phew! That took a while to type...
I agree with you Vanslar, I liked it when there were only a few people here & every project was noticed. I remember going to the very first project uploaded. It would be impossable now to go to it!
Good times...
yeah, sigh, i know how you feel about everything except comments, geuss why, not noticed enough! oh and i made a gallery, put your projects that you think are UNOTICED and good in there, every week or so ill delete all of the except like the top 3
its called project unknown
This is also explained by the beginning of the school/academic year. People are busy now. They don't have time for Scratch
I agree with some of the comments. However, imagine there were only a few people on the site, wouldn't that also get you very few views/comments on your projects?
Maybe a solution for that would be to create a smaller groups of people. For example, the people involved in Crank Inc seem to be very active in giving feedback to each others projects and so on. Maybe everyone should belong to some group like Crank Inc. So if you have a specific interest maybe you can form a group with like-minded people and create a smaller subcommunity instead of relying on the big community of thousands of people to give you attention.
Let me know if you have any specific suggestions about how to deal with the increasing popularity of the Scratch website.
Would you say that YouTube for example is also too popular?