Here are some ideas I have for scratch.
(the website)
>The ability to drag and drop a project into a favorites bar appearing at the bottom of the page like a playlist
>When hovering over a project's thumbnail, some discoverability being added, like a play button, or a green flag to show that you can play this project.
>The ability to have a user notes section on your user page. Like project notes, or a bulletin board, of upcoming events, etc.
>The ability to organize your projects and galleries into folders, with changeable thumbnails.
>Change the thumbnail of a particular project without uploading the entire project to the website again, and sometimes that doesnt even work.
>A scratch it button to send messages to friends telling them about this particular project. Similar to the like button on facebook. Cannot do it own projects and galleries.
>The menu constantly comes to where you are on a page, and hides, and if cursor location is at the top of the scrolled location, it shows
>Ability to lock the ability to download a particular project
>For contest projects, a timer that when gets closer to ending time, sends all who viewed the project, or marked it or something a message saying this contest is about to end.
>A like/could use some work button similar to the youtube feature
>A customizable user page
>Larger upload limit
>The ability to add comments to user pages that allow it
>For projects with explicit content, have a 'you must be so old to view this project' or explicit content warning
>A restriction on wether or not you can view a particular project online/a particular viewer
>Ability to browse through all of the projects brought back