Hey, I would like to know how do we make 2 sprites move at the same time.
For example:
user click on one sprite and both the top and bottom sprites will move.
You seem pretty new, so I'll explain all of it! Ok. This will involve something advanced. First of all we will need to use broadcast and recieve blocks. When you broadcast something, it sends a signal to every sprite, but only sprites with the when I recieve block will do something. So, you do:
Sprite 1 Scripts:
When Sprite1 clicked
move 10 steps
broadcast move
Sprite 2 scripts:
When I recieve move
move 10 steps
Hope this helps
actually the broadcast should be sent BEFORE the sprite moves also this should b in all about scratch
joefarebrother wrote:
actually the broadcast should be sent BEFORE the sprite moves also this should b in all about scratch
its IS in all about Scratch
Like this:
Sprite 1:
<when green flag clicked>
<broadcast[ move
Sprite 2:
<when I receive[ move