bharvey wrote:
Jens wrote:
script variables (a)
show variable (a)Ah. But it doesn't work for inputs to scripts, which don't show up in the pulldown.
script variables (a)
set variable (a) to 'a'
show variable (a)
bharvey wrote:
roijac wrote:
nope, i meant to the way of changing the image file
Okay, I'm confused; the original question was
Anyone knows how to change them (like the 'costumes' path etc.)?
... to which the answer is that costumes, etc, come from the same folder as the image file. Do you mean changing the path to the image file? That's what the script I posted does; it calls the Squeak VM with the full path to BYOB.image given explicitly.
i meant changing the path to the costumes, sounds etc. directory in the image file
Last edited by roijac (2011-10-25 11:29:30)
roijac wrote:
i meant changing the path to the costumes, sounds etc. directory in the image file
There isn't a media path in the image file! Wherever the image file itself is, that's where the media files are too. So the only relevant path is the one you give for the image file when you start the VM.
Polar curve rho = sin (angle) * sin (2 * angle)
Once the SIN block is correctly set, it can be deleted from the Script area, but still can be used by any another block. Thus more space is available on the Script area for the final custom block ROTH
Jens wrote:
shadow_7283 wrote:
(ironic remark about a glitch in variable watchers)
You do know I thought it was a feature, not a bug, right?
tonight's Snap! pre-pre-pre-alpha update features automatic positioning of newly created watchers. Running HIDE VARIABLE and keeping the variable name slot empty deletes all watchers observing temporary variables from the stage. That way you can now remove "dead" watchers on script variables (in case you wonder: Once a script has terminated, its - temporary - script variables can no longer be accessed by any blocks. Running the same script again will instead produce a new set of same-named temporaries).
Last edited by Jens (2011-10-25 19:52:36)
Jens wrote:
tonight's Snap! pre-pre-pre-alpha update features automatic positioning of newly created watchers. Running HIDE VARIABLE and keeping the variable name slot empty deletes all watchers observing temporary variables from the stage. That way you can now remove "dead" watchers on script variables (in case you wonder: Once a script has terminated, its - temporary - script variables can no longer be accessed by any blocks. Running the same script again will instead produce a new set of same-named temporaries).
you still may want fix the bug when you use run(hide())
bharvey wrote:
roijac wrote:
you still may want fix the bug when you use run(hide())
You can run, but you can't hide?
when i use it without run block,it hides all the blocks fine, but when i put it into a run block, it just looks as it would've been running an infinite loop
bharvey wrote:
roijac wrote:
i meant changing the path to the costumes, sounds etc. directory in the image file
There isn't a media path in the image file! Wherever the image file itself is, that's where the media files are too. So the only relevant path is the one you give for the image file when you start the VM.
scratch-UI-dialogs/scratch file chooser dialog/shortcuts
now i need to find out how to hack BYOB without the development.bat :S
any chance of help?
Yay! Polar equation grapher! (Sorry, this is all I could come up with...)
twig functions pweeze? Taywor sewies too swow
EDIT: and don't forget repeat until I like that one.
ANOTHER EDIT: Would it be possible to create a feature to save the current project in localStorage on close and reload it on next open until the save feature comes?
Last edited by Sidharth (2011-10-26 21:04:03)
Sidharth wrote:
twig functions pweeze? Taywor sewies too swow
Yeah, yeah. Hold your horses.
EDIT: and don't forget repeat until I like that one.
Me too. Hold your horses.
ANOTHER EDIT: Would it be possible to create a feature to save the current project in localStorage on close and reload it on next open until the save feature comes?
No, once we can save at all we can save. (And it'll be available both on local storage and to a URL of your choice.) It really is coming soon. None of us like not having it!
Repeat until:
rendering the feigenbaum tree... done
uploading image... done
Hardmath123 wrote:
I did that on 3.1.1. It took 45 seconds.
i also did that. on scratch. and it took about 1 min
Last edited by roijac (2011-10-27 10:36:17)
I did that on 3.1.1. It took 45 seconds.
roijac wrote:
bharvey wrote:
roijac wrote:
i meant changing the path to the costumes, sounds etc. directory in the image file
There isn't a media path in the image file! Wherever the image file itself is, that's where the media files are too. So the only relevant path is the one you give for the image file when you start the VM.
scratch-UI-dialogs/scratch file chooser dialog/shortcuts
now i need to find out how to hack BYOB without the development.bat :S
any chance of help?
never mind, i worked it out, i added this line into 'System-Files/FileDirectory(class)>system start up>start up
self setDefaultDirectoryFrom: '/usr/share/BYOB/BYOB.ini'.
anyway, you don't mind if i ship the .deb with modified image file, right?
(i only changed this and added an option to shift-click edit without development.bat, as it doesn't work on linux)
if it's ok, i'll post the updated .deb package
apropos .deb: do you want me to try upload BYOB to the Ubuntu Software Center?
Last edited by roijac (2011-10-28 11:20:58)
roijac wrote:
(i only changed this and added an option to shift-click edit without development.bat, as it doesn't work on linux)
if it's ok, i'll post the updated .deb package
apropos .deb: do you want me to try upload BYOB to the Ubuntu Software Center?
That's all fine, although I don't understand why you want to build in a hardcoded location for the media files.
I have a question - what about linux users?!!??
(I mean the ones with DansGuardians blocking the file extensions (.exe, and .zip)
i think it will be really useful for a linux exclusive version! I'd like scratch and BYOB separate
Is there an Oreilly book on squeak out there? I'd love to get into squeak, and modifying scratch
Too many people are confused be the "boolean unevaluated" inputs. If you go to the block libary, there are loads of posts of blocks which wont work because they are waiting for a pre-evaluated boolean to change, which isn't going to happen, such as
SJRCS_011 wrote:
BYOB blocks:
Forever when % is true:
Forever when % is false:
and also, in this thread,
Hardmath123 wrote:
Repeat until:
will not work for the same reason. I think that if a block has a pre-evaluated boolean insert which is placed in a wait until block or a repeat until block, a message should come up saying that it will not work as expected because of this and it will give them the option to correct it automaticly and replace the boolean with boolean unevaluated, and replace any uses of this variable with the call block with the variable inside.
joefarebrother wrote:
I think that if a block has a pre-evaluated boolean insert which is placed in a wait until block or a repeat until block, a message should come up saying that it will not work as expected because of this and it will give them the option to correct it automaticly and replace the boolean with boolean unevaluated, and replace any uses of this variable with the call block with the variable inside.
More generally, I think we should move in the direction of tutorial error messages. Right now, even when we do catch an error, all we do is turn the block red. Scratch made a deliberate design decision to try to prevent errors (e.g. with the different block shapes) rather than report them, but we're expecting people to write harder programs.
But, as usual, don't expect it in 4.0.
joefarebrother wrote:
and also, in this thread,
Hardmath123 wrote:
Repeat until:
will not work for the same reason.
Huh? It works for me. It might be a browser/OS issue, I have tried it on Firefox and Safari Mac. Would (call(bool)) fix it? If not, how do I fix it?
Hardmath123 wrote:
Huh? It works for me. It might be a browser/OS issue, I have tried it on Firefox and Safari Mac. Would (call(bool)) fix it? If not, how do I fix it?
No, browser issues are about graphics or I/O, not about program logic. When we have the long input dialog so you can set types, you'd set the second input to be "Boolean (unevaluated)" but meanwhile you have to use THE [X = 5] BLOCK in the call, and use CALL [#2] in the definition.
If it does work for you, it's a Snap! bug. (I'm too tired to check right now.)