Create a gallery and have your students put their projects in that gallery.
Great - now how do they find each other's work? How do they save their project to my gallery?
I haven't figured out how to search for a particular name. I don't have any luck searching by tag either.
I'm a complete newby and I appreciate your help.
Last edited by jrobins (2007-10-17 22:33:00)
If you create a gallery, you have 3 choices of who can add to it:
just you
your "friends" list
If you put each of your students in your friends list, it will be easy for your students to add to the gallery, and they can easily find each other (by going to your page and clicking on one of the students).
Search relies on google, so it may take a couple of days for the index to be updated to include new user ids.
My students are in a drop-in afterschool club, so I do no grading or assessing of their work.
Our school is on a local network with a Hand-In directory that is protected so that only I can open student work. To open the Scratch projects, I open the Scratch program and access the the Hand-In directory through Scratch containing the students work. This works great for grading student work but doesn't address the issue of students sharing their projects with each other.
marinojI, is the problem that the students share their work when you don't want them to, or do not share their work when you want them to?
If you want them to share, and your machines are connected to the internet (without too ridiculous a firewall), you could have them each get accounts on the MIT site, and have them share with the world.
If you don't want them copying, about all you can do is tell teach them about plagiarism and the need for giving credit where it is due.
What I did was create a class account, and just have all the students upload their projects as one user. I just tell my students to name their projects after their names to see who it is. It is an easy way for the students to put all the projects in one place.
I have given them a rubric that I modified from rubistar along with the assignment. I would be happy to share the assignment and rubric, but I'm not sure how to attach a document here.
jamesp wrote:
When I read the title of this thread, I was thinking of how do I review my pupils' work? How do I assess their work? Has anyone tried to assess their pupils' product?
Hi Mswheeler,
We plan to have a wiki to share documents, but it is not ready yet. For now, do you have any website where you can post the document and send the link? (If not, you can email it to us at this address: scratch-feedback at