Hey Sunshine, I'll join once I get minecraft!
I'm getting it soon.....
ProgrammingFreak wrote:
Hey Sunshine, I'll join once I get minecraft! :D
I'm getting it soon.....
Sunrise :P
Anyways, we now have a creative world too :D. Only trusted players get access to it, though.
Last edited by Sunrise-Moon (2011-10-20 13:40:28)
We're now rid of AuthMe and offline mode. What does this mean? Less griefing, but cracked players can't come on anymore. A fair exchange, I'd say.
My application to be an admin, or mod.
Hi, as you know I'm a huge fan of your server, and I'd like to help catch griefers and moderate and other things. I'd also help advertise your server and make it more popular. Please choose me.
hdarken wrote:
My application to be an admin, or mod.
Hi, as you know I'm a huge fan of your server, and I'd like to help catch griefers and moderate and other things. I'd also help advertise your server and make it more popular. Please choose me.![]()
I'll respond tonight.
2 new mods- Hdarken and Meowmeow55. Congrats, guys!
What should I do about that gt dude? Should I give TNT_ninja some of his stuff since he got killed?
Not sure if the server's down or not. My Minecraft is glitching up and not letting me connect to any server now.
this server is really cool
someone jacked all my stuff though bro :\
veggieman001 wrote:
this server is really cool
someone jacked all my stuff though bro :\
You can use Lockette, you know. If they killed you, you can turn off PvP with /pvp off.
I got on once, then I disconnected to fix the rain-coming-through-solid-blocks issue, and now the login keeps taking too long again. D:
Sunrise-Moon wrote:
veggieman001 wrote:
this server is really cool
someone jacked all my stuff though bro :\You can use Lockette, you know. If they killed you, you can turn off PvP with /pvp off.
nah it was a chest
i just hadn't made a sign by then :\
it's all locked up now, but i still lost a lot
oh well
meowmeow55 wrote:
I got on once, then I disconnected to fix the rain-coming-through-solid-blocks issue, and now the login keeps taking too long again. D:
Yeah, that's happening to me too. I think it's Essentials.
Essentials conflicts with WorldEdit IIRC. So yeah. Or something that sk89q makes does anyway. Essentials is easily replaceable if you do it right and spend the time to make stuff for it.
Anyway, since we're sitting around here, allow me to make a plugin suggestion.
meowmeow55 wrote:
Essentials conflicts with WorldEdit IIRC. So yeah. Or something that sk89q makes does anyway. Essentials is easily replaceable if you do it right and spend the time to make stuff for it.
Anyway, since we're sitting around here, allow me to make a plugin suggestion.
It's been working for like the entire time up till now.
Just occasionally. Most of the time it times out or i get an End of Stream. I tried Phoenix Survival once and it didn't work.
What do you think of my plugin suggestion BTW?
meowmeow55 wrote:
Just occasionally. Most of the time it times out or i get an End of Stream. I tried Phoenix Survival once and it didn't work.
What do you think of my plugin suggestion BTW?
I don't see why I'd need it- we have good aliases and stuff right now.
Ohhhh Minecraft.net is down apparently so the server will be up whenever Minecraft goes up, guys.
Sunrise-Moon wrote:
meowmeow55 wrote:
Just occasionally. Most of the time it times out or i get an End of Stream. I tried Phoenix Survival once and it didn't work.
What do you think of my plugin suggestion BTW?I don't see why I'd need it- we have good aliases and stuff right now.
*hears the sound of wings as the point of CommandHelper sails right over Sunrise's head*
But really, you can make some awesome stuff there. It also allows users to create aliases, and it doesn't stop at just aliases. For example, check out my news command (and (hopefully) soon-to-be suite of other commands). You can make tons of awesome commands and stuff if you put your mind to it!
ssss wrote:
Minecraft.net is up!
Don't tell me that! Now I have to fix something :(((((
Yay, I got in
My inv didn't get saved, but my chest did. So now I have duped items
(Shh )
But really, stop the server properly (with the stop command in the console/in game).