Hello! I'm a teacher and my students have been running into what seems like a bug. Often when they try to import a new costume for a sprite, nothing happens. I click on costumes, "import", choose a costume, click OK, and then I'm back to the "costumes" page, but the newly imported costume does not show up. This is frustrating because we want to do animation and we can't without new costumes. The strange thing is that SOMETIMES I can import a new costume. Is this a known bug? Am I doing something wrong? Has anyone else run into this problem? This is on iMacs, if that makes a difference.
Could it be that the files are in a shared folder without enough permissions?
or are the images just in a folder?
We've heard a couple other people encounter this on certain Macs in schools.
The workaround we figured out is to go to the paint editor, and click Import from there. Please let us know if it works for you.
Thanks! The "paint" workaround works. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who's encountered this issue. I always tell the kids that computers do exactly what you tell them to do... so if it's not "working" you need to examine what you're telling it to do. Then bugs like this come along and the computer DOESN'T do what we ask it to do! Frustrating, to say the least.