From reading recent forum posts, it appears that the MyStuff page is in need of renovation. If there are aspects of the MyStuff page that you would like to see added/removed/changed, please post your suggestions as a reply to this thread.
I think the most-discussed feature would be a small "about me" box near your picture (with limited HTML and appropriate language)
I think that renaming "Friends" to "Favorite Scratchers" would also remove some of the confusion about the meaning of that list.
I like the idea of an "About Me" box, the Friends=Favorite Scratchers would be good too!
I would like a "scratcher news" where a user can put news about what projects he is working on and other things.
I think it would be nice if we could be changing our own colour schemes so as to make it more personal
I like the Blog idea. But I don't want "Friends" to be "Favorite Scratchers". "Friends" is more... umm.... friendly.
I tottaly go for customization! I think it would be cool if you could have a background on your my page, that you can change separatly with your icon.
This will be great!
I like all the ideas all of you suggested.
I would like the My Stuff page to be smaller. Like the new pages for your projects. My page completely messes up my computer every time I go into it, because there's so many pictures/buddies/favpurites/etc. on it.
You could make a separate page for friends and favorites. Maybe you can show a couple of each on the MyStuff page, then have a link to a page that is a complete list.
I like all the ideas but maybe there could be something like
"I recommend this project" that you can change when you want so that your projects or someone else's get noticed more
<say[ please tell me if it's a good idea
There is such a feature. It is called "favorites".
I agree to most of the suggestions above.
Specially more ways to structure your "my stuff" page would be helpful (e.G. personal ordering numbers, tabs and tags for your favorite projects, users, galleries).
When relaunching the "my stuff" page it would be nice to have a better connection to this forum. e.G. you could see the number of posts and threads and get go there from the personal page of the user by one click .
An interactive chat for people who look at the same project/gallery etc. would be nice.
As I understood andresmh and the team made the Scratch website with PHP, so perhaps they could assimilate openSource Plugins from like shoutbox, communitybuilder and others (there are thousands). I created a community-site for the local judo club of my kids with minimal efforts using that and in some aspects we have more community features than the Scratch page has. I don't know how difficult it is to integrate these plugins on a non-Joomla-site, but surely it is less effort than creating everything again, that other people spent years to develop.
how about something that says "Most Famous tells you what your most popular or famous project based on views and love its. … 041#p11041
joyfaithharmonygirl wrote:
I think it would be nice if we could be changing our own colour schemes so as to make it more personal
If we could put pictures of stuff and scratch things on our page that would be cool, to make it more like a "Scratch Blog." An "All About Me" section would be nice.
Last edited by moroco (2007-11-11 16:25:19)
I think part of the idea of the Scratch website is to concentrate on scratch projects, not on social networking. If you want to put up pictures and introduce yourself, make a Scratch project with yourself as a sprite!
kevin_karplus wrote:
I think part of the idea of the Scratch website is to concentrate on scratch projects, not on social networking. If you want to put up pictures and introduce yourself, make a Scratch project with yourself as a sprite!
Ya but take a look at the lego website. They are all about sharing your legos (and buying there legos) but you can create your own webpage there. I just think it would make scratch more interesting if we could do all that stuff.
archmage wrote:
I would like a "scratcher news" where a user can put news about what projects he is working on and other things.
Lets work on fixing gender specific details of your post first.
(Customizable) Themes would be nice... But I would not raise my hand to be the one to implement them.