There Is This Weirdo Named b0mtrac Who Won't Leave Me Alone! He Writes Stuff On My Projects Like That He's SOOOO Brilliant, And That My Stuff Doesn't Make Sense. He Even Thinks I Am Racist, Which I Am NOT! I Know, You're Going To Say "Just Ignore Him." Well, I CAN NOT IGNORE THIS WEIRDO! STOP HIM OR SO HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<when green flag clicked>
<say[ Get Rid Of b0mbrac!
<if>b0mtrac Is Gone
<say[ WOO-HOO! PARTY TIME!!!!!
Thre he is:
It's B0mbtrac, not Bomtrac.
Thanks. We reviewed the comments posted by that user and we have sent a notification asking the user to stop this behavior. Please do not call the user "weirdo" either because that brings more negativity to the discussion.
Personally I think the three most powerful tools to deal with this situation are:
1. Try to engage in a healthy discussion. For example if someone says something like "your project is bad" or "you're racist", you could ask "why?". They might explain why and then you can start exchanging ideas without insults. A lot of times people have different ideas and it's useful to have a discussion but without insults. A lot times this discussion are very useful and help you learn how other people think even if they think differently from you.
2. Sometimes responding positively to a negative comment works like a miracle. You could post nice comments to their projects and I am sure that person will, at the very least, be confused or they might change their behavior and become your friend! I have seen this happening on the website already.
3. If the other person doesn't seem to engage in healthy discussion and being nice to them seems not to work just ignoring them! I think that people that have a difficult life at home or at school try to express their anger towards others by saying mean things. They are mostly trying to get attention. Ignoring them might make them realize how negativity doesn't take them anywhere but positive comments are.
We are here to help you and everyone else to deal with difficult members so please contact us directly to if you're still having trouble with other users. However, I would suggest trying those 3 thing. They are very useful skills online and even on real life.
Not always you will have a teacher, parent or website administrator to protect you and it's useful to start thinking about this things since they will always come up in your future life.
Thanks and Scratch on!