I am idealess. I want something of a challenge to make. Which means more awesomeness for you. Dream on, and dream onto the screen.
murpho wrote:
a good functional FPS, we had one but the flash player messed it up
NAh, I was thinking possibly something more original.
murpho wrote:
parcheesidude wrote:
murpho wrote:
a good functional FPS, we had one but the flash player messed it up
NAh, I was thinking possibly something more original.
capture the flag platformer game
I can't make platformers... ^^'
Mabey a shooting gallery with differnt types of targets and they need to be hit wit different guns.Programing a Shooting gallery is realy simple,My first project in fact.
Theres even a vid on Youtube showing you haw.Just type in:
Scratch-First person shooter.