Tips for a password from Windows:
A strong password:
Is at least eight characters long.
Does not contain your user name, real name, or company name.
Does not contain a complete word.
Is significantly different from previous passwords.
Contains characters from each of the following four categories:
Character category examples:
Uppercase letters
A, B, C
Lowercase letters
a, b, c
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Symbols found on the keyboard (all keyboard characters not defined as letters or numerals) and spaces
` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = { } [ ] \ | : ; " ' < > , . ? /
1)Choose a good dictionary letter. Something that you can remember. Like, say "Cookies".
2)Encrypt it into hash and die from trying to remember.
2)Then, convert "Cookies" into 13375|>341(, also known as leetspeak for the uncool. That is, you write "C00k13z". You don't have to convert all of it, just some.
they're not hackers
just password guessers
difference :I
My name is Jaspreet. i am working on a game based on SCRATCH for a School project and i can't figure out a way to make the program do fractions.
my game is aimed at a 7 year old boy who needs help with maths. Fractions is a problem for him and the aim of my game is help him overcome that. so, i want the program to ask him question relating to fractions...
can someone help me here ?
peetubhamra wrote:
My name is Jaspreet. i am working on a game based on SCRATCH for a School project and i can't figure out a way to make the program do fractions.
my game is aimed at a 7 year old boy who needs help with maths. Fractions is a problem for him and the aim of my game is help him overcome that. so, i want the program to ask him question relating to fractions...
can someone help me here ?
You shouldn't post random things in topics with nothing to do with it-It is considered spam.
And I don't know how to help you, sorry.