Hello everyone
slime vollyball was infact my idea quin pendragon is a waste cadet
Buddy_ca111 wrote:
big-bang wrote:
Buddy_ca111 wrote:
I'm Atheist or I follow the religion of gaming. Can`t decide which.
Let's call it "Pixelism"! Oops, gotta go. I need to get that lucky space in Mario Party 8 and pray to the Almightly Goomba.
Webcomic that started it all.
They also started wintereenmas. A holy week of gaming.
Note: They don`t say that the gods of gaming created the earth. They left that alone. The gods of gaming created well... Gaming!
So Big-Bang don`t try and remake well known religions.(Kidding only about 500 people know about it!)
Also the bcomic(Webcomic like how blog is Weblog) is not totally kid-friendly so be warning(Nudity and swearing, oh and some blood and injury)
http://www.ctrlaltdel-online.com/comics … 090125.jpg
nice comic
Glennmykateup wrote:
Hello everyone
slime vollyball was infact my idea quin pendragon is a waste cadet
AUGH! ADVERTISING!... Or something.
tHE_gREATEST_gEEK wrote:
I not too recently had a conversation about proving religion with someone in school holding a bible. It too was quite funny.
Uncanny wrote:
Ok. There aren't currently any new arguments... and when you stand up for what you believe in, expect a bit of snappyness from atheists.
Expect a bit of logic to break flimsy ideas, every time... as in, "A greater being created us all". Translated to basic human nature: "I'll create a great power who controls our destiny so I don't have to be responsible for my own actions".
Meanwhile, early man thinks "Wow, this world is so perfect for me, I must have been placed here for a reason." Then, reverse that idea and you get "Wow, I fit this world so perfectly I must have been made for it (evolution!!!)". Next time, when you stand up for what you believe, expect nobody to be your exact clone in opinions.
I understand what I said was too assuming and aimed at the general amount of evolutionists.
If that is your oppinion, then it isn't my business to change it.
Last edited by Uncanny (2009-02-14 23:18:28)
Just out of interest, lets look at a creature that has evolved.
Cows ---> Whales
Half fins half legs? that can't be too useful?
Last edited by Uncanny (2009-02-13 17:59:44)
I'm a Scratch-ist!
big-bang wrote:
Uncanny wrote:
Ok. There aren't currently any new arguments... and when you stand up for what you believe in, expect a bit of snappyness from atheists.
Expect a bit of logic to break flimsy ideas, every time... as in, "A greater being created us all". Translated to basic human nature: "I'll create a great power who controls our destiny so I don't have to be responsible for my own actions".
Meanwhile, early man thinks "Wow, this world is so perfect for me, I must have been placed here for a reason." Then, reverse that idea and you get "Wow, I fit this world so perfectly I must have been made for it (evolution!!!)". Next time, when you stand up for what you believe, expect nobody to be your exact clone in opinions.
I am a Christian so I obviously disagree with you, and I think that God had to create the universe because no matter how far scientists trace the universe back (i.e. the big bang) they can't find the end; and they never will. So let's say that the first atom that exploded came from another dimension, so let's go to that dimension. Where did it come from? No matter how far you go back in time, there is still that unexplainable truth, and that's where Christianity comes in. I believe that we are created by a higher being and there are just some things that are so amazing that you can't explain them with evolution and other ideas. The mountains high in the sky, the rivers that run across the earth, the birds that are perfectly adapted to fly in the sky, it is all just too amazing to be explained by some molten-lava covered earth, 1,000,000,000 years ago. But I respect everybody's opinion anyway.I thought I would just contribute and share what I believe.
Last edited by shadow_7283 (2009-02-13 18:15:12)
Uncanny wrote:
Just out of interest, lets look at a creature that has evolved.
Cows ---> Whales
Half fins half legs? that can't be too useful?
Land animal has feet.
Land animal, due to environmental changes, begins to swim on a regular basis.
Land animal develops Webbed Feet and becomes a semi-aquatic animal.
Semi-aquatic animal, due to environmental changes, spends more time in water.
Semi-aquatic animal's thigh and shin shorten, but foot lengthens, so that more of the leg is now a flipper, at significant cost to land mobility, but animal still returns to land for significant periods (eg seals and sea-lions). Becomes a primarily aquatic animal.
Primarily aquatic animal, due to environmental changes, spends even more time in water.
Deformation of primarily aquatic animals leg continues, becoming totally a flipper and no longer able to function on land. Animal is now totally aquatic.
shadow_7283 wrote:
I am a Christian so I obviously disagree with you, and I think that God had to create the universe because no matter how far scientists trace the universe back (i.e. the big bang) they can't find the end; and they never will. So let's say that the first atom that exploded came from another dimension, so let's go to that dimension. Where did it come from? No matter how far you go back in time, there is still that unexplainable truth, and that's where Christianity comes in.
Why not apply the same logic to your own beliefs? Where did *god* come from? That's an equally unexplainable "truth" that you cannot get around without special pleading. The moment you say "He doesn't need a creator" you have to explain why *he* doesn't but the singularity which pre-dated the big bang *did*.
(Actually, the origin of that singularity is a much more explicable "truth" because if you really understand the big bang theory you will find that the idea of a single compressed singularity works perfectly well, mathematically, whilst the laws of entropy actually support its spontaneous generation.)
Uncanny wrote:
The christian don't believe in sabbath as Jesus worked on the sabbath day, the jews don't believe in christ, and therefore, still believe that the sabbath is supposed to be a day of rest.
Jesus invalidated one of he 10 commandments? Just the one, or did he break others too?
Mayhem wrote:
Uncanny wrote:
The christian don't believe in sabbath as Jesus worked on the sabbath day, the jews don't believe in christ, and therefore, still believe that the sabbath is supposed to be a day of rest.
Jesus invalidated one of he 10 commandments? Just the one, or did he break others too?
Jesus didn't really break any of the ten commandments. The Jews were just overly-concerned about them and were trying to stop him for supposedly breaking the law. Besides, since he was God (as I believe) he is the creator and therefore can not break his own laws because he is perfect.
About your other comment, I acknowledge that the "big-bang" theory is what some believe, and I was not trying to convince anybody otherwise. I just thought I would contribute my own religious beliefs to the conversation as that is what it was turning out to be about. I am sticking to mine and others can stick to their own.
Mayhem wrote:
Uncanny wrote:
The christian don't believe in sabbath as Jesus worked on the sabbath day, the jews don't believe in christ, and therefore, still believe that the sabbath is supposed to be a day of rest.
Jesus invalidated one of he 10 commandments? Just the one, or did he break others too?
Have you heard these verses?
Matthew 12: 1-8
At that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick some heads of grain and eat them. When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him, "Look! Your disciples are doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath." He answered, "Haven't you read what David did when he and his companions were hungry? He entered the house of God, and he and his companions ate the consecrated bread—which was not lawful for them to do, but only for the priests. Or haven't you read in the Law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple desecrate the day and yet are innocent? I tell you that one greater than the temple is here. If you had known what these words mean, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice,' you would not have condemned the innocent. For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."
shadow_7283 wrote:
About your other comment, I acknowledge that the "big-bang" theory is what some believe, and I was not trying to convince anybody otherwise. I just thought I would contribute my own religious beliefs to the conversation as that is what it was turning out to be about. I am sticking to mine and others can stick to their own.
I would still be interested on knowing where you think god came from, or, if he didn't have to come from anywhere, why you can't believe the same about the pre-big-bang singularity.
Zelda123 wrote:
Mayhem wrote:
Uncanny wrote:
The christian don't believe in sabbath as Jesus worked on the sabbath day, the jews don't believe in christ, and therefore, still believe that the sabbath is supposed to be a day of rest.
Jesus invalidated one of he 10 commandments? Just the one, or did he break others too?
Have you heard these verses?
Matthew 12: 1-8
At that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick some heads of grain and eat them. When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him, "Look! Your disciples are doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath." He answered, "Haven't you read what David did when he and his companions were hungry? He entered the house of God, and he and his companions ate the consecrated bread—which was not lawful for them to do, but only for the priests. Or haven't you read in the Law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple desecrate the day and yet are innocent? I tell you that one greater than the temple is here. If you had known what these words mean, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice,' you would not have condemned the innocent. For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."
So, whenever we think one of gods laws is inconvenient or unjust, we can ignore it?
no we can't. They may seem inconvenient to us, but it can work at to something good at the end.
Think about how joseph was sold into slavery, then put into prison for refusing to lie with potiphers wife. If joseph wasn't put into prison, he wouldn't have told the butler of how he would have been released, and if the butler didn't know about joseph, he couldn't have told the pharoah about joseph, therefore joseph would never had been able to interpret pharoahs dreams, and that means that joseph would never have become pharoah, and be re-united with his brothers, who had matured over the years joseph was gone.
So something may be seemingly inconvenient, but it can work out to something good in the end.
Last edited by Uncanny (2009-02-14 23:16:56)
Zelda123 wrote:
Mayhem wrote:
Uncanny wrote:
The christian don't believe in sabbath as Jesus worked on the sabbath day, the jews don't believe in christ, and therefore, still believe that the sabbath is supposed to be a day of rest.
Jesus invalidated one of he 10 commandments? Just the one, or did he break others too?
Have you heard these verses?
Matthew 12: 1-8
At that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick some heads of grain and eat them. When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him, "Look! Your disciples are doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath." He answered, "Haven't you read what David did when he and his companions were hungry? He entered the house of God, and he and his companions ate the consecrated bread—which was not lawful for them to do, but only for the priests. Or haven't you read in the Law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple desecrate the day and yet are innocent? I tell you that one greater than the temple is here. If you had known what these words mean, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice,' you would not have condemned the innocent. For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."
I am no expert on trinity, so probably some other kind of christians should explain it, but it is the fact that there are believed to be three gods, not Yahweh alone. Instead of believing that Jesus is the 'bridge' between man and God, they believe that he is the son of God, which makes him a god too. They also believe that the holy spririt is a God, not Gods power.
tHE_gREAT_gEEK wrote:
The three parts of the trinity are:
1. God the Father
2. God the Son (Jesus)
3. God the Holy Spirit
Together, they make up the trinity. The trinity is kind of confusing because there is nothing we can compare it to. While all three of them are the same God, they take on different forms. So although Jesus is God, he came to earth while his father was in heaven. The Holy Spirit, which lives in us, is also God. In other words, they are three-in-one. That is my take on it anyway.
Mayhem wrote:
shadow_7283 wrote:
About your other comment, I acknowledge that the "big-bang" theory is what some believe, and I was not trying to convince anybody otherwise. I just thought I would contribute my own religious beliefs to the conversation as that is what it was turning out to be about. I am sticking to mine and others can stick to their own.
I would still be interested on knowing where you think god came from, or, if he didn't have to come from anywhere, why you can't believe the same about the pre-big-bang singularity.
I think about it this way. With atoms (which scientists think caused the bing-bang) there are certain rules applied. But with God, no rules apply to him because he is supernatural. He can do anything, while atoms and other such things are limited by rules that have been created. Atoms, from what it seem like to me, have to have a beginning. But on the other hand God is eternal.
So, special pleading then.
"I don't understand, therefore, God."
Sorry, but in numerous cases in the past, religion has just been the placeholder for science. For instance - the Earth-centered universe. We had to be in the middle. How could God not have put us there? Copernicus, however, disproved it with science. This is a common situation. Eventually, we will find a solution that eliminates the need to find a beginning of infinity. You accept that pi has an infinite number of decimal places. Can you accept an infinite multiverse? One day, we will find it. And we will have no more need of an omnipotent deity to do stuff for us. Look in the past, trends (not the blah blah blah fashion ones) are more reliable than a crystal ball.
big-bang wrote:
Sorry, but in numerous cases in the past, religion has just been the placeholder for science. For instance - the Earth-centered universe. We had to be in the middle. How could God not have put us there? Copernicus, however, disproved it with science. This is a common situation. Eventually, we will find a solution that eliminates the need to find a beginning of infinity. You accept that pi has an infinite number of decimal places. Can you accept an infinite multiverse? One day, we will find it. And we will have no more need of an omnipotent deity to do stuff for us. Look in the past, trends (not the blah blah blah fashion ones) are more reliable than a crystal ball.
bosox397 wrote:
big-bang wrote:
Sorry, but in numerous cases in the past, religion has just been the placeholder for science. For instance - the Earth-centered universe. We had to be in the middle. How could God not have put us there? Copernicus, however, disproved it with science. This is a common situation. Eventually, we will find a solution that eliminates the need to find a beginning of infinity. You accept that pi has an infinite number of decimal places. Can you accept an infinite multiverse? One day, we will find it. And we will have no more need of an omnipotent deity to do stuff for us. Look in the past, trends (not the blah blah blah fashion ones) are more reliable than a crystal ball.
Says you and your monosyllabic vocabulary.