Hello, everyone. I have this idea where a background covers up an entire screen by using it as a sprite.
What scripts do you use to make that coverup appear after loading and what scripts do you use to make it disappear on clicking it?
well I think this is right make a sprite and put your back ground image in the paint editor
then poisition it in the middle of the screen.
for scripts do
<when green flag clicked>
<go to front>
<forever if><mouse down?>
Acutally, it's this:
<when green flag clicked>
<go to front>
<wait until> <mouse down?>
<broadcast[ a message you want to broadcast
<when green flag clicked>
<wait until> <mouse down?>
i think this!
I think Ihaveamac's post is the most helpful one, because the broadcasts let me know when an action is done before the coverup is removed and the coverup must be shown before people could see it's content.