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#1 2011-10-02 14:52:14

Registered: 2011-07-23
Posts: 100+

Walking Animation requests

I'm making a movie and need a rough sketch of a walking person animation. Note that i said ROUGH SKETCH, i just need an outline. If you make a walking person that is beautifully shaded and colored i can't accept it. Give me a link to the walking animation below. Thank you.
Also, anyone who draws a walking animation will be given prizes-
Awesome animation- love it's on half there projects.
Okay animation- love it's on 10 of there projects.
Every one who enters gets 2 love it's
. if you do not have more then two projects when the prizes  are given out i will make sure to continue giving you love its in till the amount is fulfilled.

Walking animations will not be accepted after 10/30/2011



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