EDIT: I recently (2-14-09) rewrote this idea clearer below: http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic.php?pid=94107#p94107
I like that you have newest projects featured on the top of the front page- It gives projects instant exposure. However, that exposure varies. It could be in the top 3 for minutes or a second. Also, sometimes when I submit a project, I'm not ready for feedback- I just want to test how it works on the site. Other times, I have the hardest time getting anyone to look at it. (I've been guilty of gallery spamming/forum posting, trying to get anyone to look at my work- also with varied success.)
Perhaps you could put the attention starved feedback seekers together?
How about give users an option, once a day, to place one of their projects in the "Seeking Feedback" section. (there's probably a better name for this.) Once they submit it, they're taken to the "Seeking Feedback" section gallery view, showing dozens on a page. Each project thumbnail also has the number of views and comments- Allowing users to quickly gauge who's getting attention and who's not.
(Ways to expand this:
- Allow this list to be filtered by tags.
- Have a karma based system that rewards helpful comments with more exposure for their own projects. Receivers of comments can mark them as helpful, giving the commenter points. That could get complicated fast though.)
Awesome work on Scratch btw, thanks! I'm finally starting to understand programming thanks you you all.
Last edited by AddZero (2009-02-14 05:45:56)
This is a cool idea! I have also run into this problem. Sometimes I post a project that I really don't want feedback on. Some situations when this may occur:
1. It's a portion of a larger project being assembled by a team
2. It's a debugging project being uploaded to track down another glitch in the online environment
3. It's an "educational remix" of somebody else's project intended only for the original author
4. It's not complete but is being stored on the server for backup or transfer to another computer.
5. It's a test load of a technique to see if there are any glitches online
So often times, people are wasting their time looking at projects that really aren't intended for public viewing. Some sort of mechanisim to bring the projects seeking feedback in front of the people willing to give it would be a big step forward.
The whole "kharma " based system wouldn't have to be that hard either...there could be a simple Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down on each comment. Users that gained higher Thumbs Up ratings could be awarded prize spots in the Seeking Feedback section or maybe just bragging rights.
Great idea, AddZero! I frequently find myself logging in and hoping someone, anyone, has bothered to check out the latest project I slaved over (PaddleToSee, you probably don't have that problem; every time I log in, I check to see if you have anything new). My idea was a sort of "Underrated Scratchers" page, but I think yours sounds more appealing.
Last edited by fullmoon (2008-03-30 22:11:30)
Paddle2See wrote:
This is a cool idea! I have also run into this problem. Sometimes I post a project that I really don't want feedback on. Some situations when this may occur:
1. It's a portion of a larger project being assembled by a team
2. It's a debugging project being uploaded to track down another glitch in the online environment
3. It's an "educational remix" of somebody else's project intended only for the original author
4. It's not complete but is being stored on the server for backup or transfer to another computer.
5. It's a test load of a technique to see if there are any glitches online
So often times, people are wasting their time looking at projects that really aren't intended for public viewing. Some sort of mechanisim to bring the projects seeking feedback in front of the people willing to give it would be a big step forward.
The whole "kharma " based system wouldn't have to be that hard either...there could be a simple Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down on each comment. Users that gained higher Thumbs Up ratings could be awarded prize spots in the Seeking Feedback section or maybe just bragging rights.
paddle2see, i love how helpful you are. you should be a forum moderator.
Good list of other situations.
And I like the thumbs up/down idea.
fullmoon, I'm glad you thought of something similar, so I know I'm not too far off.
About the karma system- I guess part what would become complicated, is that it would have to prevent cheating. So a user with two accounts can't just give the other account a bunch of thumbs up to promote them. Votes have to be weighted or limited somehow. ...or as reputation builds that user has more power to their votes on others. But I'm not read up/experienced with this type of thing to help much.
Last edited by AddZero (2008-03-29 15:30:22)
I know. Fully agree with this. My Half-Life Scratch series is really good compared to many animations (If it is re-programmed alot, it can even be turned into a game!) on Scratch. I've only got good comments. But nobody sees it. Meanwhile on the front page, there are glitchy games that don't work (like Cube World 3, some of Zachandrew1230's projects) and still get seen by all.
Sorry Zachandrew1230, but you need to put a bit more work into your projects because they are really hard to play. Your games are just glitchy that's all. Didn't want to sound like a total jerk there.
I totally agree. I am very happy with the (for me) enormous number of users that watch my user page frequently. But I still know the problem. 1 year ago - and watch out, one year ago a project was much longer on the newest projects section then now - I was a new user trying to get attention by posting a project (ball travel) . It is really stupid that some projects get way more attention then others.
I do not know anything about "I don't want anyone to see this project" - I only post a project when it is completely ready. If I see any online glitches (like, when I posted the first version of my lego model creator, the colors of the bricks where completely different because I used the color effect) I immediately try to find the reason why it fails online. When I have to restart my computer when trying to view my project, I install an online lock. (like my audiomix project) This online lock can be a possible way to prevent people watching your project (online!) with the current system (my lock script contains a secret action to run it online).
the idea sounds good, but the problem is EVERYONE wants attention. every under-appreciated scratcher wil go there and it will just be hundreds upon thousnd f pojects, giving them the same amount of attention. maybe if only a select few were pcked.
Let a team of dedicated Scratchers (PaddleToSee, we're looking at you here) sort through the thousands of projects that have been submitted for review (Let users put forward a max of one project per week). But this sounds like featured projects. Here's an idea. Put the spotlight on nine Scratchers a week and let them choose the projects to appear on the homepage.
Good ideas too.
What I was thinking is that people looking for feedback right now can hang out with others in the same boat. With only one submit a day (or week?), users can't post everything- they'll be more likely to submit something they've worked on.
I don't think it's about the quality on this page- though the quality will likely be higher than just the newest projects- it's about people wanting attention on their hard work able to get it faster and more consistently, without spamming.
Some people, like Paddle2See, have created their own galleries with their best picks of interesting projects. I think initiatives like that one are really good to bring attention to projects. We often try to feature galleries like the one Paddle2See created.
I believe this idea could help the growing spam problem.
Andresmh, I agree that the galleries, featured galleries and projects are excellent for featuring projects that deserve it.
This idea could not replace that- This is about putting users that want attention NOW, together... (good and bad, but likely more energy went into these.)
Right now the easiest way to get views now, is to spam the front page projects.
There are tons of other polite methods, (show and tell forum...) but none are as simple and effective as spamming, nor are they as well advertised... spamming is proven to work.
Hopefully this idea is simpler, more effective and polite then copying and pasting links everywhere.
Please take another look at this. Thanks.
(Sorry about the bump, I don't think I wasn't very clear before (am I now?) and I think this idea may help the address the spam problem better than filtering or punishing.)
Last edited by AddZero (2008-05-19 23:06:48)
It should kinda be like featured projects. 3 at 1 time, but they change every day or so. I dunno what way would be best, but i would appreciate it
P.S. Wouldn't people kind of use it for no purpose though. Maybe a comment limit...
EDIT: I addressed Bluestribute questions better in a later post.
Actually, this is not like featured projects -that's for good or noteworthy projects.
This is for projects people would like to get attention now, good or bad. But because people can't post everything there, they will be more likely to post a project they worked hard on.
And instead of spamming everywhere or getting frustrated with no attention, they can hang out with others in the same boat, right now.
Say you just finished a project, and you still have a "Request Feedback" point, you can use it to put your project on that page.
Then you are taken to that page with others looking for feedback now. You scratch their back, they scratch yours. (pun intended )
Last edited by AddZero (2008-05-20 13:36:56)
AddZero wrote:
Actualy, this is not like featured projects -that's for good or noteworthy projects.
This is for projects people would like to get attention now, good or bad. But because people can't post everything there, they will be more likely to post a project they worked hard on.
And instead of spamming everywhere or getting frustrated with no attention, they can hang out with others in the same boat, right now.
Say you just finshed a project, and you still have a "Request Feedback" point, you can use it to put your project on that page.
Then you are taken to that page with others looking for feedback now. You scratch their back, they scratch yours. (pun intended)
I mean the format of 3 at a time
P.S. I meant abuse the feedback needed thingy.
Bluestribute wrote:
It should kinda be like featured projects. 3 at 1 time, but they change every day or so. I dunno what way would be best, but i would appreciate it
P.S. Wouldn't people kind of use it for no purpose though. Maybe a comment limit...
ya, i think that's how it should be... like the featured, top loved, top viewed, and top downloaded. there could just be another one, called "Seeking Feedback." I think that would work
Bluestribute wrote:
It should kinda be like featured projects. 3 at 1 time, but they change every day or so. I dunno what way would be best, but i would appreciate it
Bluestribute: Oh, I see what you meant now. Sorry, I was in a hurry to respond and trying to type with a Wii.
I think it should show the 3 latest "Seeking feedback" and could replace the top 3 newest projects at the top on the front page... (or placed below the featured projects) I think it should be the newest ones (not switched everyday) because those people are still online and hoping for attention.
Bluestribute wrote:
P.S. Wouldn't people kind of use it for no purpose though. Maybe a comment limit...
I think there should be a limit to posting projects to this gallery. Otherwise it would be like any other gallery. I don't think there should be a comment limit though... this is to encourage interaction between users online right now.
But I think what's more important then it being on the front page, is that users that submit to the "Seeking Feedback" are immediately taken to that gallery showing dozens of others that also submitted within the last 5 to 30 or so minutes. They know most on this page are online right now, waiting for feedback. There can be quick back and forth interaction in this group. Lot's of back scratching.
I think spamming works so well because many, if not most people online right now, are looking at the front page and popular projects. They see the top comments and click the links, so spammers are more likely to get views/feedback quickly.
This idea should make it easier (and more polite) than spamming to get views/feedback quickly. Does this make sense? What do you think?
Last edited by AddZero (2008-05-20 13:34:11)
Clever! perhaps the user could select one once a week, instead of once a day though. That way, more exposure is allowed, and only your BEST projects can be up. A wonderful idea Addzero!
I resurrected this thread because of frustrations voiced on my "NOT DRY" project that was promoted to the front page.
I agree. That project took very little Scratch skills to make, and is not among the most front-page worthy. I did not ask for any attention to that project.
I believe it got attention because I already had a project that was on the front page,
people saw it in my "More projects by AddZero" Often projects are promoted this way. -User popularity instead of merit, or (more importantly) desire for attention/feedback.
And getting feedback/attention/popular often takes posting the forums and galleries, asking for feedback/love its, and hoping somebody takes the time to review your project... so to improve those chances, do it more- spammers are rewarded with attention. (Though reduced with url filtering now.)
While those that don't do these steps many times are frustrated with no attention to their hard work.
A solution may be to level the playing field some:
1. Make it simple to request feedback to a project, (a checkbox/button click)
2. Limit the amount this can be done (once a day or so), so people are more likely to choose the projects they worked on.
3. Immediately take those that want feedback to this "seeking feedback" gallery with others that recently requested feedback, where they are encouraged to give feedback while they wait for feedback.
(Perhaps allow filtering of tags on this page so that people can help others with types of projects they are interested in.)
The latest 3 from this page could replace newest projects on the front page. (That is not as effective because of frequent submits and reasons listed by Paddle2See.)
Galleries will still have their place, for categorizing and highlighting good projects.
Love It's will still have their place too.
I think this idea would help people who want it, get those first views/feedback on their hardest worked on project. And reduce the need to be 'popular' to get it.
(I suggested a similar idea long ago to a online school- they didn't use it, so anybody can have it.)
So, what do you think? Could this work? How else can this problem be solved?
Last edited by AddZero (2009-02-14 14:10:29)
I like this idea AddZero. I've been thinking about something like this for a while but you really describe it in a way that sounds feasible to implement.
I also think it might be nice for people to find buddies who can give you feedback and advice. This would be particular useful for new users.
I like this idea really a lot, but the name ("seeking feedback") sounds odd to me. This site is a childrens-community, so I'd pick an easier name, like "Help me!" or something
You guys should also keep in mind that English is not a native language (as seen to picture below lol) to all people on this site (like me ).
Thanks for the feedback.
JSO, I agree it may need a better name.
"Help me!" is great except it kind of excludes people that might just want attention to finished projects. Perhaps separate this into two: "Help Me!" and "Finished Projects"?
More name ideas:
"Seeking attention."
"Seeking help/attention."
"Feedback gallery."
"Exchange feedback now gallery"
"Recent Advertised projects" nah.
"Recent posted projects" nah.
andresmh wrote:
I also think it might be nice for people to find buddies who can give you feedback and advice. This would be particular useful for new users.
Perhaps allow users to flag/volunteer themselves as helpers that are currently available.
But will just a few people be flooded that way? Would only a few be motivated to do that?
Allow the community to rate helpful people, by rating their comments thumbs up or down. (suggested by Paddle2See above.) So users needing help can go to specific people?
Perhaps reward helpful helpful people by allowing more (re)submits to the feedback gallery? (This was discussed above. but that might be getting too complicated and could be gamed? If gaming could be prevented, it might be good. But the feedback gallery might turn into a 'look at all my stuff now gallery'. Perhaps find other ways to reward helpful users. a helpful users leaderboard?)
I think with a simple feedback gallery, new and old users benefit from it the same. And it becomes a group of people online right now trying to help each other. idealy. I think?
Last edited by AddZero (2009-02-15 01:09:59)
I actually find that people will view your projects more if you post nice and helpful comments. Instead of comments like ' nice, check out my awesome new game (link to project)' post such as answers to questions in people's comments or nice comments about the're project and that way they are getting more project attention, (from you) and they may click on your username and see what you have. I know I always do. That way you both benefit instead of posting links no one will follow anyway. Also, scratch has a gallery for almost everything (I have one for projects with over a hundred scripts), if you make a pong game for example, try searching pong and you will come up with about five galleries for your project, PONG PONG PONG, Pong mania, pong is cool, to name a few. Adding your project to fitting galleries not only gets more people to look at it but also makes the gallery's owner more liked. So I conclude that this would be much less of a problem if everyone just stopped spamming and used other, cleaner ways of getting people to see there projects.
P.S. There are actually galleries just for space invaders games, just to give you a taste of the diversity of galleries in scratch.
<when green flag clicked><forever if><(<{rude comments}> <=> 0 )><change{ project views }by( 100