IrishArcher and I are working on a miniature 3D-RPG, and we recently added some music to it. Without music, the project is probably about 200 Kilobytes right now, but the music upped it to 1200 total!
Even considering the project itself, that's still about 1M for the music! I only included four music loops from the Scratch folder: Xylo3, Jungle, Cave, and Triumph. They do not seem to be that large individually, so I am just wondering about this.
how long is the music you put in?
All of them are under 10 seconds. These are in the Scratch "Music Loops" folder, by the way.
hmm, do you have any backgrounds with writing? cause i found on my game ultimate mini game challenge taking off the writing took away 400 mb and i made a new sprite with all the writing which only took up 20 mb
Nope. Actually, there is no writing anywhere in the game. Seriously, all I had done was add a few (OK, so about 40) blocks to a sprite's script. When I deleted that sprite, it was still over 1 MB.
I'll post the beta version to show you what I mean.
Here is the beta version:
Elviad RPG