The glitch:
After trying to reply and getting a sorry you have tried to post a very similar message message its immpossible to reply.
my story:
I was viewing a project from doody about her getting banned and i tried to reply to itsmyhammie's question by saying "yup" however, when i clicked reply, it came up with the spam block message. So i hit reply again to type in "yes i agree" yet found i couldn't because it still had the old message i put in, and it was immpossible to hit reply again. even after refreshing the page it didn't work.
Scratch team try to fix this please
You must be running on Vista, right? That problem only seems to be happening on Vista. It happens whenever you try to reply twice when viewing a project. I reported that one a little while back and it's in test now.
Paddle2See wrote:
You must be running on Vista, right? That problem only seems to be happening on Vista. It happens whenever you try to reply twice when viewing a project. I reported that one a little while back and it's in test now.
Oh sorry I didn't know. Ok then this thread is done