I just encountered an interesting bug.
I was logged in as bosox_test just checking my messages when I went to the gallery Gray Bear Productions to add my new version of our game. I added it, added a comment, and then logged out. Just how it's supposed to, it took me back to the home page. I then logged in as bosox397. I went back to Gray Bear Productions (logged in as bosox397) because it said Robin7 had replied to one of my comments.
As I arrived at the gallery, it said I was logged in as bosox_test, who I had just logged out as. I was kind of surprised, so I clicked on HOME and when I arrived there, I was back logged in as bosox397. Thinking it was just a minor glitch, I went back to Gray Bear (the gallery) to view my message. Once again, I was back logged in as bosox_test. So, I clicked on MY STUFF and it brought me to bosox_tests stuff, yet I was logged in as bosox397. Then I decided to try an experiment. I went back to Gray Bear. Once again, I was logged in as bosox_test. I went down and commented on the gallery. When my comment got processed and finally appeared, it was bosox397 who had posted the comment. Yet when I scrolled back to the top, I was still bosox_test.
And that is the glitch I encountered. Nothing major, but something worth taking a look at scratch team.
Wow, thats interesting and confusing!
Very strange! Maybe a problem with your cookies? I'm not sure how Scratch keeps track of who you are logged in as. Please post here if it happens again or if anybody else sees something like that.
Yeah I'm not sure if it's my computer because my computer is brand new so I just wanted to see if it was a problem for anyone else. Paddle could you tell andresmh about this?
no, i dont know wat cookies are. but it works fine now. i guess it was just a minor glitch