I am running a couple of different scratch clubs for kids at a local YMCA. All the kids post their projects under a common scratch login. I was wondering if there was any way for only me the Teacher to control who can change the password. The kids have been really good about not changing our password but I am just planning ahead. Any way to give just me the ability to change the password on our common account.
I am also a member of the Facebook group scratch-on if that is a better place to bring this up. Please leave me a message one way or the other on this. Also, thanks for such a great effort to bring this language to the kids of the world. I really want to see scratch running on OLPC.
Thanks for the feedback Scott.
I'd suggest letting kids create their own account, one of the goals of Scratch is to empower kids by letting them contribute content to the web. You could create a Gallery and then add the projects the kids have created to that gallery. This would allow you to have one single place to see all projects.
...and since the new gallery system has been set up, you can delete any games that arent from your "students"
I agree with andresmh. I encourage my Tech Club kids to get their own accounts (parents permitting) and have a gallery for their projects: http://scratch.mit.edu/galleries/view/290
[blocks]i dont get it [/blocks]
Andresmh and I were suggesting to ykids that they not share an account and password among many students. Sharing passwords is a very dangerous habit, and one that should not be encouraged by the YMCA.