both, in latin you can praticaly (well nearly) put a word anywhere. e.g puer ambulabam in urbam boner. that would translate to the boy was walking (ambulo (i walk) is in the imperfect 1st, s.) town. see how puer (boy) has the same ending as boner (good). all adjectivs have to have the same ending. thats a important rule in latin
Creatortion wrote:
both, in latin you can praticaly (well nearly) put a word anywhere. e.g puer ambulabam in urbam boner. that would translate to the boy was walking (ambulo (i walk) is in the imperfect 1st, s.) town. see how puer (boy) has the same ending as boner (good). all adjectivs have to have the same ending. thats a important rule in latin