Infinity wrote:
I need to know "cut and paste" in Scratch. Do anyone know it?
You can duplicate sprites and scripts using the Duplicate tool (looks like a rubber stamp) located above the Stage area. You can also Duplicate things using the context menu (right-click for PC's, alt-click for Macs). Scripts can be duplicated from one sprite to another within a project by dragging the script and dropping it on top of the sprite icon in the list of sprites below the stage.
To copy sprites from another project, you Export the sprite from one project (context menu) to a file, then drag and drop the file into the open project where you want to Import it. Another approach is to Import the entire project using the option from the Extras menu. I hope that helps!
... and yet another approach is to *delete" the resource (costume, script, sound, sprite) from the source project, then open the target project and click on the "Undo" button. This actually uses the clipboard...
Jens wrote:
... and yet another approach is to *delete" the resource (costume, script, sound, sprite) from the source project, then open the target project and click on the "Undo" button. This actually uses the clipboard...
That works between projects? Awesome!
Jens wrote:
... and yet another approach is to *delete" the resource (costume, script, sound, sprite) from the source project, then open the target project and click on the "Undo" button. This actually uses the clipboard...
Jens wrote:
yes, it works, but only if you keep Scratch open. Just be sure not to accidentally save the source project after you've moved a deleted resource to the clipboard
That's amazing!
Oops, sorry! this does, in fact, *not* work. I just checked, and got it all wrong. Whenever you open a new Scratch project the clipboard is emptied. Again sorry for causing all this confusion!
Paddle2See wrote:
itsEMILagain wrote:
i have had a few problems with replacing my project "Another tube". the project seemed to not work online because of some color sensing that didn't sense right after the images were compressed. (at least thats what i think) i tried to replace it with another version of the project, but with other settings. it didnt work, and there were no errors
You can try turning compression off as you share it and see if that helps. It's an option on the Share screen.
yes, thats the settings i changed! but i still cant figure out how to update a project, thanks anyway
kittyscratchpost wrote:
I just tried that (twice!) and it didn't work. What am I doing wrong?
What I would do is download the existing one.. edit it and reupload.. it aways works for me.
<switch to costume[ Hey guys...Whenever I try to re-share something it does not show and updated version online...I made shure my username and pass were correct and I saved and saved as the newer version before uploading but it didn't work...I goes through all the uploading things but it makes no difference in the game online...
try restarting ur computer
GoldenAxe wrote:
Can i put a movie i made in windows movie maker in my scratch projects?
you would be able to but u would have to break it into frames
people are devaieting!!
qwerty17 wrote:
andresmh wrote:
If you upload a project with the same name as one that is on the website already, the new project will replace the old.
I tried that, but it didn't work!
Sometimes you won't see the changes online because your browser hangs on to the older version in an area called cache memory. Try clearing all the temporary files on your browser and taking another look at it. Or, you can try shutting your browser down and restarting it...that does it for my browser.
I find that if I put a project online, then edit it offline again, then before putting it back online, I save it, then when I put online it makes a new project, but if I don't save it, it works.
WeirdF wrote:
I find that if I put a project online, then edit it offline again, then before putting it back online, I save it, then when I put online it makes a new project, but if I don't save it, it works.
If the project names are different at all, a new online project will be created. Did you notice any differences in the project names in the two versions you ended up with?
i noticed that if i posted a project and renamed it when it was online, then posted a new project with the same name as the renamed version, it just posted a new project, did you rename it?
Rats when I was trying to remix my very first project I forgot to change the name and instead it changed my first project!
Look at these two projects, they have exactly the same name, but they are different projects:
Black n' White
Black n' White