A long time ago Bobby500(TheSaint) posted this, then the forum died. So here it is again.
What is HTML?
HTML: Stands for "Hyper-Text Markup Language". A simple markup language (actually, the only one). This means that you can't actually program anything with it, but you can embed programming languages into it. The base for all web developing.
What is CSS?
CSS: Stands for Cascading Style Sheets. An expansion to HTML. Makes life easier and more stylish.
What is Javascript?
JavaScript: A scripting language. You can do stuff with it, but being text-based, having more image-based stuff is harder to do. IT IS NOT SPRITE-BASED BUT FUNCTION BASED. However, it is client-side, so making a website with users (e.g. and online community, perhaps a forum) is impossible.
What is PHP?
PHP: Stands for "Php: Hypertext Processor". Almost exactly the same as JavaScript but a bit more open-ended, and ServerSide, so having online communities and so-such is possible.
Well how do I use it?
To write the code, use notepad for windows and I am not sure for Macs. Anyways when you want to see what you have made, save the document as a .htm Then open up your internet. Click in the following order: File-->Open-->Browse-->The file you saved it as. Then your webpage pops up.
HTML Tutorials
CSS Tutorials
Javascript Tutorials
PHP Tutorials
Last edited by adriangl (2009-02-08 00:28:05)
We probably could have bumped the thread. I am gald though that someone liked it alot though.
CSS also stands for something else . . .
coolstuff wrote:
woahfreaky wrote:
CSS also stands for something else . . .
No, it doesn't.
Actually, it does. Makes me think twice when I edit my sites and notice how unsafe some sites are.
CSS, Cascading Style Sheets. No difference, same thing.
woahfreaky wrote:
coolstuff wrote:
woahfreaky wrote:
CSS also stands for something else . . .
No, it doesn't.
Actually, it does. Makes me think twice when I edit my sites and notice how unsafe some sites are.
CSS- Cross Site Scripting
It's a way for someone to get into your site. So if you have a place where someone can post on your site, test it out with some HTML and PHP and Javascript. That is what can happen. So be careful
adriangl wrote:
What is Javascript?
JavaScript: A programming language. You can do stuff with it, but being text-based, having more image-based stuff is harder to do. IT IS NOT SPRITE-BASED BUT FUNCTION BASED. However, it is client-side, so making a website with users (e.g. and online community, perhaps a forum) is impossible.
Javascript is a SCRIPTING language.
O_o. Missed that. Gonna change it.....
AlanProjects wrote:
adriangl wrote:
What is Javascript?
JavaScript: A programming language. You can do stuff with it, but being text-based, having more image-based stuff is harder to do. IT IS NOT SPRITE-BASED BUT FUNCTION BASED. However, it is client-side, so making a website with users (e.g. and online community, perhaps a forum) is impossible.Javascript is a SCRIPTING language.
I'm/I was fluent in the langauges but some(like PHP and CSS) have went into my blackhole of a memory