l0ve1y wrote:
How do I make a memory game??? I always wanted to, but I could never figure out just HOW to do it! How can I make a memory game??
Well, first you download Scratch, then. you just put down scripts os your choice... and draw or find sprites. BOOM, you got your memory game.
Well, it completely depends on what type of memory game you want to make. Sorry, but I don't have time to write sample script; maybe later.
l0ve1y wrote:
And BTW, I meant like Concentration or something. Or even Go Fish.
<when green flag clicked>
... What ever you want...
alldaykade28471 wrote:
l0ve1y wrote:
And BTW, I meant like Concentration or something. Or even Go Fish.
<when green flag clicked>
... What ever you want...
Stop it you two. There's no need to yell or be snide.
@l0ve1y: A lot of Scratchers uploaded different types of memory project to the site. Try downloading one and examining its scripts.
Make them go to random places and if they touch another card then they'll
Last edited by ImagineIt (2011-09-24 23:19:27)
I know a good place to go! Download the scripts and see, this would've helped me, but I forgot to do something, but that was like 5 months ago. Anyway, here is the link: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Paddle2SeeFixIt/1867958
It would help a lot if you could tell us what kind of memory game you want to make. Different memory games require totally different scripting.
Last edited by MoreGamesNow (2011-09-25 09:16:28)
MoreGamesNow wrote:
It would help a lot if you could tell us what kind of memory game you want to make. Different memory games require totally different scripting.
Well the one I gave, was a one just a normal simple matching game.
This is an old project of mine that is memory-game style. It shuffles itself, and normally always works off-line when downloaded. For some reason it moves to the wrong places in Flash... I just can't figure it out. Anyways, you can use it to see how a card memory game works on Scratch.