I'm working on an epic 3D game, but i've just hit a massive road block. I can't make more than one 3D item without it showing one, but only showing the top part of the other one. I've discovered that unless the sprites are exactly the same, it will not work, because one of the sprites is clearing for the other one! So, i suggest that there be a block 'Clear For This Sprite' which will only clear stamps or pens off that sprite. Post if you agree!
kayybee wrote:
Agree. There should also be clear pen and clear stamps, and clear pen for sprite and clear stamps for sprite.
Great Idea! Then 3D games could have a better FPS rate. Usually, if you want to do more than one item, you have variables for each's position and rotation, and use the same sprite to make it, with many costumes, and not clearing until both have stamped. But this would make is so much easier!
Edit: I'll make a mock up sometime this week.
Last edited by Rexpup (2011-09-21 08:33:15)
How about |clear my ( )th stamp|?
Rexpup wrote:
Usually, if you want to do more than one item, you have variables for each's position and rotation, and use the same sprite to make it, with many costumes, and not clearing until both have stamped.
And who likes this tactic? > This is another reason why scratch should have this block. Thank you for your suggestions so far! Spread the word!