im having difficultys understanding some of the tops of scratch. for example this it has (at the moment i write) 80 views. however my project, has (at the time i write) 100 views. i know that none of my projects have ever made the frot page, and so im kindda confused. This isint the first time. previousally a project with 7 loves was on top loved, but my lunar com had something like 9 (i think) yet still not on top loved. please can someoe explain whats wrong?
I think its a timing thing. It depends on which project can get the most views/love its the fastest.
makes sence
edit: 101 views now thax arch
Last edited by yambanshee (2009-01-21 13:21:16)
archmage wrote:
I think its a timing thing. It depends on which project can get the most views/love its the fastest.
That's my understanding as well. It's the most views/loveits in the last few days. Not sure exactly what the number of days is, sorry.
From my observations a long time ago, the time limit for top viewed was approximately five days, seven days for top loved, and two weeks for top downloaded. However, they changed it about five months ago. Now, I think that top viewed is four days, top loved is five days, top downloaded is one week, and top remixed, one week.
It appears that these time limits are quite flexible and a project can be kicked off by another project before the limit is up, and some projects can stay longer because of an excessive amount of "achievement."
animalia, love its is more to do with top loved i beleave. I doubt there is a corrolation between love its and views.