I'd like there to be keyboard shortcuts for getting to different parts of the website:
H - home
P - projects
G - galleries
S - support
F - forums
A - about
M - messages
L - language list?
W - wiki?
D - download
P - privacy
G - guidelines
C - contact us
Well, what if you were typing a comment or a forum post?
Greenatic wrote:
Well, what if you were typing a comment or a forum post?
You wouldn't be pressing Alt+Shift+Accesskey.
kayybee wrote:
I don't know how scratch would implement this (I see no codes in PHP or Javascript to do this, but I'm probably wrong
) but if it's possible, then I support.
T tbgfora?
Accesskey is a parameter in the HTML a tag. It needs to have a link for it to work though.