I know that there are maybe a thousand tutorials on scrolling in Scratch, but the world DEFINITELY needs another. I'm not asking for huge codes to copy, but just the basics that scrolling runs on. I am currently viewing a scrolling tutorial, and I just need a generator for scrolling.
Make a background that says:
go to xscroll+480*# starting with 0 then 1, 2 etc.
and on the character right arrow pressed, change xscroll by -10 and opposite for left.
Imagination wrote:
Make a background that says:
go to scrollx+480*# starting with 0 then 1, 2 etc.
and on the character right arrow pressed, change scrollx by -10 and opposite for left.
But how do you make scrollx work?
First, make a variable called "X", next do "set X position to "X"" on the terrain or model. Now on the character do "when "left arrow" pressed change "X" by -4" the point is that the character doesn't move at all, the world moves around him.
to make models that come on later do "if X<50 AND X>100 show" etc, also do a +xx for something that comes later eg "set X position to "X"+100"