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It's basic. When mouse is down, the sprite goes to mouse-pointer and pen is down. Else, pen up. The problem is that I want it to only be able to draw within a certain border. Between 166 x and -166 x then between 107 y and -107 y.
You would add sensor blocks that would say when or when not to.
It'd look like this:
Or have a sprite covering up what you don't want shown.
If x greater than -166 and less than 166 and y greater than -107 and less than 107 and mouse down pen down
pen up.
There may be a lag error with that script (it'll draw for one frame even if the mouse is beyond the paint-zone). If it easier to just make a sprite that is the same as the background over what you don't want painted on. Paint can't go over sprites.
You could do it by making a long string of <>and<> blocks, but it'll likely go past the border slightly, especially on higher pen sizes. I'm guessing you don't want that.
I think the best way to do that is to make a sprite that covers the parts you don't want pen marks on. Because the pen only draws over the background, any pen marks under a sprite won't show.
Does that help?
Thanks for the answers so quickly! I just made a sprite to go over the pen, as suggested.
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