My program 007 zombies, is having an issue. Its a pretty good game so far, but for some reason, all of a sudden, the guns are shooting off the entire clip at once, and hardly doing any damage as a result. If anyone experienced thinks they can help, please download it, and play it and tell me what is wrong. Below i have the script that i think is the mess up, but its kind of hard to see, so I reccomend download, please inspect it and make sure there are no probs.
<when green flag clicked>
<if><< <mouse down?> <and> << <( <{ Clip }> <=> 1 )> <or> <( 1 <<> Clip )> >> >>
<play sound[ Pistol Fire
<change{ Clip }by( -1
<if><( <{ Costum num }> <=> 2 )>
<if><< <( <distance to[ Bond <<> (( <{ Range }> <*> 40 )) )> <and> <( 35 <>> <distance to[ Crosshairs )> >>
<change{ HP }by( (( <{ Damage }> <*> -1 ))
<say[ ow ]for( .1 )secs>
<wait( (( 1 </> <{ ROF }> )) )secsc>
<if><< <not> >><( <distance to[ Bond <<> (( Range <*> 40 )) )>
<wait( (( 1 </> <{ ROF }> )) )secsc>
please download and teel me what is wrong with it! (wow seriously, u have to wait 180 seconds between every post even in different threads! thats just messed up.)